Saturday, July 26, 2008

I love writing to authors

I've written to authors of books I've enjoyed a couple of times. Each time I think, "nahhhh, they'll never write back." But each time they have. Today I wrote to Ellen Klages. Ellen is the author of the book I just finished.

So I've been trying to find a book with a strong girl main character. This does, it actually has two, but this is about things I know my kids have no background knowledge about; WWII and the building of the atomic bombs. I am hesitant to do it as a read aloud and I emailed the author explaining to her the make up of my class and the issues to get her feedback on doing it as a read aloud.

She was kind and gave me her feedback and that of what she's heard from others. I'm just not sure about the read aloud. I just don't know if I can expel that type of energy in conversations each and every day about the short amount of time we get to read.

I just want to say try writing to an author of a book you read lately, especially if you loved it. Tell them why, ask them questions about the book. Really, I had my students write to an author. They all asked about the questions the author left them hanging with. She not only answered all their questions, she sent her own photos of the town that inspired the book.

I'd really love to write to Kate DiCamillo. I LOVE her books!

Sunday, July 20, 2008 anyone here?

I know I'm not one of those ultra exclusive, gotta visit kind of blogs but hey a girl needs a bit of love.

If you stop by, please leave a comment. I'd really love to know who stops by.

I'm trying to determine if I should put a sign up for an update thing on the sidebar, or if it will be a complete waste of time.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Do you watch your favorite movie over and over?

I don't think I've ever blogged about favorite movies. I do have a list of my all time favorite movies. But I find that although I own most of my favorites on DVD, I usually find them somewhere on cable and watch them there. There are some movies I fixate on and will watch over and over and over. Most of my favorite movies are older movies. Some are from high school. Isn't that really when you really start getting into movies and start marking milestones? Oh I was a junior when that song was popular, or I saw that 3 times with friends my sophomore year. Don and I so that a lot. Well what has really inspired this blog post is one of my favorite movies...Remember the Titans.

The first time we saw this movie it was in the theater with both boys. I was so moved and emotionally upset by the movie that I had to stay in the dark theater through all the credits and still walking to the car, the boys kept saying, "What's wrong mom, why are you crying?" I still cry every time I watch this movie. Every time!

Don and the boys are used to it by now, but others I'm sure are wondering if this movie makes you cry every time, why do you consider it one of your favorites? Well it's an awesome, true story of how an African-American coach is put into one of the first segregated high schools in Alexandria, Virginia. The football team is given a new head coach, and becomes integrated. The white football team is forced to deal with new players, new coaches, and has to face race issues head on. I love it when the characters Gerry Burtier and Julius Campbell go head to head trying to learn about one another, in a not so positive fashion. Julius stands up to Gerry, the team captain, and tells him he's out for himself because the captain is the leader and he isn't leading. By the end of football camp away at college these two are begining to bond and a true friendship is starting to form. Gerry wants Julius to come meet his mom and stay for dinner. Julius is met in Gerry's neighborhood by the police. Julius thinks he'll be in trouble for being black in a white neighborhood, but in the end, the officer tells him he played a heck of a good game last night.

You know it is a true friendship when after coming together and winning the game, Gerry's girlfriend says why are you down here with "them" meaning the black guys and he chooses his "black" friends over his girlfriend.

This team comes together to pull out the state championship after facing the adversity of race and a tragic accident that paralyzes Gerry.

I absolutely love how the community supports this team after they begin to see if these boys can see one another as just people and not just by the color of their skin. I love how even the "dumb jock" raises himself up with the help of others to be successful. I love the relationship between Gerry and Julius. I love when Julius hugs Gerry's mother and she finally comes around. Even though I know this movie like the back of my hand, I cry like a big wus. If you know me well enough, I am just a big bag of emotions and this movie gets me every time.

Today I said to Don and Doug, "You know, this is the kind of movie that all people should be made to watch." If people can see how this team makes it through the difficulties and the adversity dealt to them, then the most of the world could too. It makes me hopeful that at some point the world can be a much better place. I almost see it starting to happen with Barack Obama and the potential of the first African-American president in U.S. history.

If you've never watched Remember the Titans find it on cable, borrow it from the library, put it in your Netflix cue, or rent it from the video store. It's the kind of movie that will make you laugh, smile, cry, and think. Take my advice on this one. You might find it's one of your favorites too.

Heck, I didn't even mention Denzel Washington is in it. I usually like his movies.

Monday, July 14, 2008

The Beach Boys with John Stamos

Tonight we, Don and I, met my dad and his girlfriend at Ravinia to see the Beach Boys. We had lawn seats so we couldn't see the stage without moving forward towards the pavilion but we could hear perfectally. The lawn seats were sold out but the pavilion wasn't. As the Beach Boys start, they sing a song or two then they start talking. You know when some concerts are soooooo loud you can barely make out what they are saying, well even being outside of the pavilion it wasn't like that at all here. While they talk, they start discussing something, then all of a sudden they start talking about John Stamos Well low and behold, who walks out and then ends up playing with the Beach Boys most of the night.

I figure he's either got the summer off and has nothing to do or ER is filming in Chicago and he came out to play a gig with them. Wouldn't ya just know it that I was in a big hurry to try to get out of the house and I forgot my camera. My zoom could have had a couple nice shots; oh well.

Now I've got the hicups for the second time tonight and I'm really pretty tired. I no longer can keep those late hours any longer. Old age is setting in I guess.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Jammies Day

Ever have those, a day where you stay completely in your jammies? That's today for me. I know if I decide to go to the softball game to watch, I'll have to get dressed that's for sure. I've been trying to get some things done I've been avoiding, like laundry. I know I've got to wash some rugs still and want to throw the shower curtain but that means shower first!

It's hot and humid outside. I have no real desire to go out. I should really bring the dogs in. I know they enjoy it outside but they're black and absorb the heat faster than other dogs.

Doug went to the theater and tried to pick up hours. The kitchen manager wanted him back desperately, but the facility manager who was originally the thorn in his side said they are rediculously overstaffed. I told him he's going to have to get mighty creative to make money the last few weeks of vacation.

Other than that, Don's gone and that car he was driving broke down a second time. Seems to be a huge suggestion that someone wasn't supposed to go on this trip.
I'm also thinking about taking the spiritual gifts class again. It is a 2 part class that starts on Sunday. I think Brian will be away next week also.

Enjoying summer and the decisions I can make to either do something or not do something. How about you, what do you have planned this weekend?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Another new scrapbook page

Credits Here

I've done another scrapbook page today. I had it almost finished then things came up that I had to leave and go deal with. Today started calm, relaxing, the kind of day I thought I'd have all day then around 2 things got crazy. By the time I'd gotten home, it was after 5:30 and I said to Doug, "Is it really 5:30?"

Fixed dinner, took Doug to finally register to vote, and got home just before a horrible line of storms. Doug left with my car...whaaaa...then the hail started. Thankfully pea sized and stopped really fast.

Brian called into work and had to go work. Glad he's someplace safe during this storm too. He gets off at 9:00ish.

Ok, I think that's all for now. I will shut down the computer, although I think the storm is just about passed, and sit and knit for a while.

Tomorrow is FRIDAY!!

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Cross another thing off my summer To Do List

I can officially cross something else off my Summer to do list. I make a list of things I want to try to accomplish every summer. This entry has been on the last 3 To-Do Lists, and has not been crossed off. Actually the two big things that have been carry-overs have been crossed off.

The first I finally got crossed off was to have a garage sale. Here's the proof!

The second big thing off my list was to make jelly. I've grown up with homemade strawberry jelly. It is really the only jelly I will eat. If I run out over the winter, I'll force myself to eat store bought strawberry jelly but really hate it. My kids love this jelly too. It makes the BEST peanut butter and jelly sandwiches!

Credits here

So now that two of the biggies are done, I'll have to start wittling down the list by trying to get done the little things. I'm waiting for a rainy day to backup all my photos onto DVD's. I've got a lot of scrapbooking projects on the list to get finished too. I think I need to give my girlfriend a little jingle to see if she's home and wants to get together and scrapbook so I can finish a Christmas journal she tells me I have to finish first before moving on to any other projects. Hear that Marybeth, I'm ready to tackle the Christmas journal!

Tuesday, July 08, 2008

New blog header

Here is my new header. It is one of my favorite memories from Copenhagen. I couldn't believe how many bikes there were in the city. You didn't smell exhaust, see smog or feel like you were breathing in polluted air. Everyone rode bicycles. People had child seats and baskets. You'd see men biking to work in suits. Women would be in longer dresses, pants suits, or short mini-skirts with tights. Age wasn't an issue either. Young and old, everyone biked. I loved that they were the old fashioned looking bikes too. Rarely did you see the 15-speed mountain bikes. It would first appear that they didn't lock their bikes either, but after looking further, they have a unique locking device that would be back where a rear brake would grasp the tire, except it was a lock that went through the back tire.

One other observation I made in Copenhagen, most people I saw were in great shape and looked very healthy. I should take note of their exercise advice, ride a bike!

What a coincidence that the G-8 summit signed an agreement to lower greenhouse gas emmissions by 50% and I'm blogging about bicycles. What is so unfortunate is that the agreement won't be enforced until 2050, 42 years away. I guess that more people should visit Copenhagen to see how great it is not to have to deal with exhaust, smog, and car emmissions to understand why we should not wait another 42 years.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July

I'm glad to be home on the 4th of July. I think it would just feel a bit odd to be away from home on America's Independence day.

Not that we have any spectactular plans or anything. Right now, Doug's at work. Brian works from noon until close, which is 6 pm I think. Don is going to a car show with his hearse. I guess I can either go and sit at the car show ::::yawn:::
or I can stay home and do laundry. Super choices don't you think? Laundry is important because I'm just about out of summer clothes and definately underwear. This is what I dread, I hate being home alone on a perfect day. I love being up alone in the morning while it's quiet while everyone else sleeps, but I hate being home alone with nothing to do.

It is beautiful here today. Super blue skies, a little breeze, and temps that are in the 70's. I think this is PERFECT summer weather. Not too cool to sit outside and read and get some sun to try to keep up what little bit of tan I have started, and not too hot to cook yourself until you're a pool of sweat.

So I guess I'll end this post before it starts to have that "feel sorry for me that I don't have anything to do on the 4th of July" kinda feel. I hope you have a fantastic Independence Day. Lots of fun, food, friends, and fireworks!

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Ok...I'm home, tired, and now have lots 'o laundry

Monday night, around 10:00 pm the luggage was finally delivered. I have to say it was 100% in tact. Nothing lost, nothing damaged. It was just a good feeling to finally know you had all your stuff back. The kids & Don got their little souviners yesterday. We tried this candy my friend Susanna gave me as a little Welcome to Finland gift. I can't remember the name but it is a salty licorice. Well it must be an acquired taste or something you must eat from a very young age but we all got that look on our faces. You know that look...the one where you are shocked at the taste and you really don't like it. Well it was that one!

My in-laws made it into town yesterday and we got them to the airport for their flight on time. Unfortunately, their flight was delayed several hours after a storm passed through the area. They are safe in Las Vegas now.

Today I am getting a hair cut. I tried at the last minute before I left but she was booked. Today, I'll be a bit lighter on top. I'm sure it's going to be short and sassy. I'm to the point where I can't really stand taking the time to worry about my hair.

Trying to decide what to do on the 4th. We don't have any major plans. We've talked about where to watch fireworks that is about all.

I've downloaded all my photos but haven't done any editing on them.
But I'll include a few in this post for you to see where I went on my fantastic trip.

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Technically I'm still not home

that is according to Don. He said that since my luggage is still not here...3:17 pm on Tuesday and I arrived home Sunday at 6:15 pm that I'm not fully home.

So does this mean that I'm still on vacation??? I think not. Let me tell you why.
I've been on the phone with India, ummmm, I mean United Airlines at least 6 times because they can't get their act together and get me my freaking luggage. I never once had to call India, I mean United on vacation. Also, I didn't have to take any child to the ER on vacation. I was the child on vacation and my mother didn't even have to take me to the ER on vacation. Heck I didn't even hardly think about children on vacation! Then today a quick request from my mom "show me how to work the weed wacker" somehow turned into cutting/mowing/raking thistles and ground cover out of a huge garden plot. Loads of work and a sunburn too.

So I think it is plain to see that I am most certainly NOT still on vacation. Although I am not technically at school I feel that I'm not on vacation anymore either.


Rant over...maybe