Monday, June 02, 2008

Life calls for ice cream!

That's right, ice cream. Tonight I'm splitting a container of Ben and Jerry's Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough with Don. Although today was stressful enough I easily could have eaten a whole pint myself. Do you do that, binge on some sort of food when your life is stressed and crazy busy? I'm horrible about it. I also do it when I'm bored and God knows that does happen. For someone who's overly busy, I do get bored.

I have 4 more days until the class has to be 100% packed and until the end of school.
Today was the roller skating party and I hope we never go back. Kids wouldn't listen, didn't understand things, were dropping food all over the floor and not cleaning it up. I swear this particular field trip gets harder each year. I do have to say I think it wore them out because I actually called Don on my cell phone, on the bus on the way back, and he said you're on the bus, with kids?

After we got back we chilled with a bit of a read aloud. One of my end of the year stories is You're a Brave Man Julius Zimmerman A great book because it starts with the boy starting his own summer vacation, goes to intense summer language school, starts a baby sitting job and have many other situations arise. Definately not my all time favorite read aloud but I'll save that for another day.

There were other situations come up today with my own child, but that is too long and too drawn out to put into this blog. Let's just say, if the field trip wasn't enough to drive me to the ice cream, my child did!

I have some scrapbook pages I need to work on but I have to make it through the week. Tomorrow is the ice cream sundae party I used as an incentive for the kids to really learn their multiplication tables. Believe me, I owe at least 40 scoops of ice cream. Lots of sauce, candy, sprinkles and about 18 cherries. Had to buy 2 of the big gallons of ice cream.

Ok, the ice cream is gone and I feel my pillow calling my name. Have a good week!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

I've always thought the "5 servings per carton" on the B&J container was a big joke. When I'm exerting extreme self-control, I can get three servings out of one carton. Mostly 2, and on occasion only one. But five? Please. I hope you slept soundly and have a better day today. :hugs: