Tuesday, June 10, 2008

It's only the first week of vacation...

and I'm lost on the day and date already. I've had to sit and think ok, it's Tuesday. I have plans on Thursday. It's not Wednesday. I guess I've been so busy getting up and going to class the past 3 summers that I really haven't had this problem.

Ok so we're working on this garage sale. Can I tell you, if you're close you NEED to come by and buy something. As of now we have 13...YES 13 tables of stuff. Saturday we started with stuff that was cluttering the main part of the garage and I did a whole table of adult clothing. Sunday Don started digging through deeper recesses of the garage. Yesterday the garage was totally cleaned out. Today we opened up the shed. We had 3 large rubbermaid bins full of older kids clothes and 2 storage boxes of little kids clothes. Can you believe I found 3-6 month old clothes in the bottom of a box??? My kids are 18 and 16 years old! We also dug through about 5 large rubbermaid bins and a toy chest full of toys. You know the toys they don't make anymore and you hate to part with? Well we kept the Thomas the Tank Engine stuff, the Darda track, the Lincoln Logs and army men, the Tinker Toys, Potato heads, Lite Brite, the train track with the mountain and the fisher price pirates with ship and cannons and stuff. Heaven help me that I'd better have grandsons to pass this stuff on to.

Doug cleaned out the sports bin and got rid of probably 15-20 soccer/basketball/volleyball/footballs. You know my kids are athletic and he kept every baseball bat, and adult glove. He also kept a few of each of those balls listed above too. I didn't get rid of the roller blades or wrist guards (see previous post) or my tennis racquets.

My list over things to do before I leave on the 17th is ever growning. I have errands I keep putting off. I skipped Doug's softball game. I did stop to read for about 45 minutes before starting the shed detail and that felt good. Today was absolutely beautiful and I've been wanting to sit outside and read in the shady backyard where just bits of sun splash over you when the breeze blows. Last year that didn't happen because of the cicadas. So today I stopped and took a bit of time for me.

Well I need to get ready and hang up some laundry. I guess I can manage one load a day. Literally I've been outside of the house for 80% of my day. Feels good with the weather being so nice and I know I'm getting one major job accomplished. It really does feel pretty good to purge.

So if I get my errands done tomorrow, I think I might go through some of my scrapbook paper and the games in Brian's closet. I knew when I moved into my smaller house that I needed to clean out and purge. My friend Ursula Page is really great at getting rid of stuff and purging.

So I'll try to update tomorrow with a picture or two of all the stuff I've got out on tables for sale.

1 comment:

SusannaT said...

I need to get a garage sale organized also... too much junk around this place.