Tuesday, July 25, 2006

My son said something today...

that I thought I'd never hear him say.

It was four little words that was music to my ears.

Can you guess what they might have been???

Huh, can you guess...remember he's only 16.
No, there wasn't any profanity involved.

Oh come on you can guess!
I should see lots of comments with your guesses,


Angelina Schwarz said...

Let me guess... Was it, "I love you, Mom"

or I am sorry, Mom
or You are right, Mom
or Give me the keys

Anonymous said...

"You're a great Mom."

(That's my first choice; my second is "I wanna race Nascar.")

Shellie said...

I really like
"I love you mom",
but it could also be
"I appreciate it mom"
"Thanks a lot mom"
or how about
"Let me do it"

Ursula Page said...

You Were Right Mom
I Love You Mom
I Need a Shower
Where is the deoderant?
Mom, I was wrong.
I don't need money.

SusannaT said...

I'll clean my room.


You are beautiful, Mom.