Saturday, April 28, 2007

Countdown clarification

I know my blog has been totally neglicated, but until I get all the work done for this darn class I have to cut out some stuff and the bloggie is it. Believe me, I'd much rather be updating my blog, scrapbooking, exercising, and other fun things that "normal" people do. By normal I mean everyone who does fun activities in their free time, not overconsumed with homework. I'll be so glad to be back among the "normal" people soon.

Now today I came to calculate how many more days were left until the last grad class. I got out the calendar and counted 74 days. YIKES how did it go from 60 to 74??? Then I went back and recalculated. I thought it should be only 54. Believe me 54 sounds so much better than 74. How did the number jump to 74 you ask? Well I did not count weekends. I guess I figured when the lady who is retiring at work only counts weekdays and days with students, I guess I originally decided to only count weekdays. So today I'll clarify how I'm counting. I'm only counting weekdays, not weekends.

Therefore...there are only 54 more days until the last day of grad class. YIPEE!

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