Thursday, November 01, 2007


This post is all about updates!

Big update is about my son. He miracleously got rid of the headache as mysteriously as he got it. He went home (his home, the dorm room) on Sunday night. After having such heavy doses of pain meds all day Saturday, he took only 2 Advil on Sunday.
He will follow up with the doctor but as of now we (mom, dad, grandma, etc) are figuring it was the smell he smelled or a migraine. He's got a history with headaches now so getting migraine meds should be easily attainable.

Weight Watchers update. As of this past Monday I've lost 5 pounds. I'm so proud to be a LOSER! It is getting easier to judge portion sizes, and the good vs. bad foods. I'm really becoming a label reader. I still struggle, especially today with Brian's Halloween candy sitting there glaring me in the face. I've had some candies but I logged them in and counted their points and I still have 1.5 points left for today. I think I'll just forget that I didn't eat them.

Speaking of updates, I saw my good friend Angelina came by and left me a message. I wish she'd update her bloggy so we know what's going on in her neck of the woods. I also wish she's drop by the message board and give us the 411! Ange if you read this...girl get over there and give us a proper update!

Continuing on the update I updated my hair! I went with a cute and very short easy style. I also updated the color to all one color again. I'm not a bi-color any longer.

I think I'll end my updates here.

Oh one more thing, I've finished Stargirl and have moved on to Love, Stargirl! Great young adult books by Jerry Spinelli! The sequal doesn't seem quite as good but a new book club I'm in is reading it.

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