Friday, November 02, 2007

A Big Ole Pat on the Back

Today is the day that I can get my unofficial certification test results. These were the two tests I needed to take and pass to get my full state credentials to get my Reading Specialist teaching certificate. T.his will be my second teaching certificate. It is a specialized certificate that will piggy-back onto my K-9 certificate that allows me to teach and do more administrative jobs in a K-12 setting. Now if I want to move up to the big money...I'll have to go into the high school.

I'd been having dreams that were waking me up each morning that I had failed one or both. Usually it was a big time failure, sometimes by one point or two. These dreams really freaked me out. I don't know how I could have dealt with having to take one or both of these tests again. They cost me a good hunk of money to register and a big hunk of time. That day the first test took 3 hours and the second test took me 4 hours. That Saturday was emotionally draining. I don't know how you are about taking tests, but I complete all the problems I can and flag the ones I skip that I don't have a quick answer or need deeper thought and more intricate detailed thinking. The second test had a 2 essay writing component and very little room. It had to contain about 7 different requirements in the one constructed answer.

Well anyway I went online and got the test scores. I was sweating bullets and wasn't sure I wanted to look. How could I not look after those dreams??? Well I looked. I have to say, not perfect scores, which everyone seems to think I strive for, but really I don't. I didn't even want perfect scores, I knew I wouldn't get perfect scores, I just wanted to pass.

Well I PASSED BOTH TESTS!!! I wasn't even close to the failing score. Minimum passing scores were 240 and I both my scores were over 275. Hey...passing is passing, right???? Now I have a bit more leg work to do. I have to send some documentation into the university, then they have to send some things to the state, then I have to officially apply for my second certificate. Oh all of that and dishing out a bit more money for the new certificate.

So with that great news I'll end this post. A little happy dance and a big sigh of relief! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.


Anonymous said...

CONGRATS Laura...that's a huge's a pat on the back from me :)

Anonymous said...

WooHoo Laura!! That is such good news. I know you are relieved. What are you going to do to celebrate?
Nancy M

Angelina Schwarz said...

Yahoo! Laura!!! Yay!! I'm so happy for know a Reading Specialist certificate is on my "long" to-do list, roflol. You're an inspiration! :)

I'm sorry I haven't been updating the old bloggy. I'll come over to the message board and update you all.
So glad Doug is all better! Smooches!