Thursday, August 30, 2007

It's been a few days

I know it's been a few days since I've updated my blog. Bad, bad blogger. I've just been a little busy. School started and not only am I trying to adjust to going back to work, but I'm also trying to still get the room put together. That and juggling having one gone to school and the other trying to get on track with school too.

I've not really been doing much more that that. I come home and practically pass out from the heat. It was sooooooooo hot in my room yesterday. It was so hot that I really thought about having ice cream for dinner.

This weekend I've decided to do a little cookout. It will just be both boys, Don, and my mom and dad. If things change my sister and bil might try to stop by. An easy meal of something on the grill, corn on the cob, pasta salad, and some desert.

We're all fighting itch mite bites and I'll tell you they're so much worse than mosquito bites. They are big, red, blotchy spots that don't go away too quickly; two weeks minimal. I've also heard they won't go away until the first frost.

Ok, it is a long weekend coming up so make the most of it. Enjoy and don't labor too much. Our weather should be surpurb!


Ursula Page said...

have a great cookout! Love the new header!

Anonymous said...

i've never heard of itch mites, hmmm, sound quite annoying.

ice cream for dinner, yeah!

cookout sounds good too. :)