Tuesday, January 17, 2006

I've been tagged...

Thanks to Susanna, I've been tagged. I guess I could say I don't want to play, but what the heck! Are there tagbacks???

Four Jobs you've had in your life:
Grocery Store Checker { Most while being a mom, so add that to my list}
Fast food worker

Four Movies you could watch over and over
Under the Tuscan Sun
American President
Breakfast Club
Top Gun

Four places you have lived
Bolingbrook, Illinois
Downers Grove, Illinois
Battle Creek Michigan
Columbus, Ohio

Four tv shows you love to watch
Nascar Racing
West Wing
hmmmmmmm I don't watch much tv

Four places you have been on vacation
Miraval Spa, near Tuscon AZ
Denver, CO
Walt Disney World
Tybee Island, GA

Four websites I visit daily:
Tipster board
Various digital sbing sites (just recently)
2 Peas digital message board
Susanna's blog

Four of my favorite foods
garlic cheese bread

Four places I'd rather be right now
work (Don and Brian have the stomach flu and I'm home)
done with my portfolio
someplace warm, tropical and relaxing

Four bloggers I am tagging
hmmmm I would say Margert, Suzie or Marybeth but they don't update their blogs too often!


2008 said...

Greetings from Chile, I do not speak very well English, but with the translators online all good
a friend

Zoe said...

lol hey what about me :P

hi! ( i still cant get into our place - so i gotta talk to you here)
i was gonna tag you but suss beat me LOL


Adrienne said...

LOL Laura! I don't officially have a blog...you want me to leave this on the carepage I'll scare people away! Can I post here or find another place? Sorry i've not been on in a while. Still love you loads sweets! Gotta make coffee and I'll be back to catch up...