Tuesday, February 24, 2009

FAT Tuesday!

Or some call it Paczki (poonchki)Day for those fattening, yet delicious little Polish snacks that are consumed on Fat Tuesday. I certainly celebrate in a paczki or two when available, but as for the Ash Wednesday celebration to follow, I'm not Catholic so there won't be any services at my church tomorrow.

I can't believe that in 40 days it will be Easter! Then again, yikes it's 40 mor days until Easter?? My school district takes it's Spring break from Good Friday through the following week. Doug will be home in another week, Don's college and my second job is off starting March 23, Brian is off the last week of March, and I have to wait another 40 days. Can you see that there is no simultaneous breaks here, so therefore, there is no vacation to anywhere besides here.

I think there has only been 1 time that any of us had spring break together since I started teaching years ago. I think it happened to be last year, but only with my high-schooler.

We've been so lucky to have 2 straight days of sunshine. Although it's still been cold, at least the students have been able to get out, run around, and the sun always makes the day a little bit better.

Well I decided to take a bit of a break while getting my things ready for teaching at the college tonight, but unfortunately I have to get a bite of dinner and head out.

Happy Fat Tuesday, hope you get a paczki!

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