Monday, February 16, 2009

Ahhhhhhhh...3 day weekend!

Some weeks at school are very long. It feels like 7 days long squeezed into 5. This past week was one of those; a very long week. I've got some kids who are making bad choices about gossiping and some choosing not to do their homework. That calls for consequences and one day this past week I had 6 kids in detention. Then there is a group of "mean girls and boy" who continually cause drama and talk about one another. This quite often takes place outside of my classroom and therefore gets handled by the office. Thank goodness, I've got enough to deal with inside of my classroom. So it wasn't until Thursday afternoon that a valentines party was a go because of behavior. Friday went fine, but an assembly and a party was thrown into the schedule which for some students makes it a bit off and things get crazy.
Thankfully I made it through to get to my 3 day weekend.

Saturday was relaxing and a bit quiet because Don slept all day because he worked Friday night. I went and got my hair colored, a lighter shade of brown, and then went out scrapbook shopping for a browse around a store I rarely go to. Then we went back to her house and finished...yes FINISHED my cow album. I've use a Maya Road Lunchbox. Then I designed around 90 pages of cow themed pages. Each page was 7x5 and has embellishments based on the 1999 display in Chicago called Cow's on Parade. The outside of the tin needs a bit of decoration, but there are a lot of cow pages done inside. I've been able to complete my Christmas journal, my Believe book, and now the cow album this year. Now I'm going on to my Texas album from my November visit to see my friend Helen. I can't wait to work on this, it is going to be relatively simple and I think somewhat based on how Ali Edwards does her preplanned Christmas albums and such.

This weekend, I also paid my fees to attend a scrapbook weekend in June. Just after school is out, I'll be able to go Friday through Sunday to scrapbook. I'm going to hopefully be working on my photo caruosel for my European Baltic Cruise vacation from last summer. I also have tons of pages that I need to finish for other photos and my Oprah album about when I was on Oprah's Favorite Things show. Believe me, I have plenty to work on. I also have 3 H's I want to alter for a display.

I've also been feverously trying to finish my vest I've been knitting. The back pieces are finished, not sewn together, but finished and now I'm about 20 rows into the front right. I'm hoping before summer comes, to have it finished and wear it. I have plenty of stuff that also needs done as far as knitting projects lined up too. I've also found some delicious wool that is being recycled so those projects are forthcoming too.

So I need to go do a bit of laundry, go get new dog tags, I want to look for a yarn winder, and should do something about grading some papers (yes, my favorite job) in order to get grades posted to do progress reports for this week.

Hope you have an enjoyable President's day and a great week ahead.

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