Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

I've been finding some peace and tranquility in the car in the ride to and from school by listening to a CD that a friend gave me with a variety of Christian artists. I find it gives me a happy feeling. I try to listen and sing along each day. I don't know why, maybe my prayers, maybe the Lord is hearing my needs, but it seems like the past 2 days at work have been a little bit more productive. It is always a bit more productive when the behavior/discipline student doesn't need discipline.

Mr. B started his new school and seems to be going ok. I hope this is what he needs to be successful. I can only pray for good things for him. This is his consequence for issues, but I can only hope that this is his/my answered prayers to help him be successful.

Big D is coming home this weekend for my birthday celebration. I went out to see him at school last weekend and enjoyed spending just a couple hours with him and giving him my full attention. That doesn't happen much when they get older, especially living away at school.

I guess by the time I get around to posting again, I might be another year older. Age is a state of mind and body. Let me tell you that my body feels OLD.
I am looking forward to eating my favorite birthday cake....german chocolate cake! Wish I could have you celebrate with me an have a piece, but I'm kinda a cake hog on my birthday. I absolutely LOVE German Chocolate Cake!

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