Saturday, November 15, 2008

Not such a downer

Lately most of my blog posts, to me have been such downers. My life lately has been in a state of influx or turmoil, but althought today I was a bit lazy, it felt good to be lazy.

School is still school. Each day is difficult. God doesn't let me sit down on the job, especially on Fridays with no planning period, he continually pushes me to be better and be on my toes. I admit it, I have an extremely difficult class. I have a handful of great ones, they're all great in their own way, just sometimes I have a difficult time seeing the good for the bad. I have some difficult ones, and then there are some really difficult ones. The difficult ones are really quite needy.

I got a new boy last week. I thought he was slacking off, making excuses. I called mom and she told the secretary that he is lazy. Well the word lazy didn't translate well because she meant slow. She graciously came in the next available afternoon and we had a 30 minute meeting. Through a bilingual teacher I found out that he was involved in an underwater accident that involved him being revived. He's got a brain injury from lack of oxygen. So now I've found myself trying to help another child who needs more than I can truly give. I know I can help him, but with 5 discipline issues and other low students there isn't enough of me to go around. I don't have the special education background I need to help way too many of my students. So I know God has put him with me for a reason, maybe to test my patience, or push me to be better at modifying and differentiation. Maybe because I have the littlest bit of knowledge about special education and the fact that he needs it and I'm the one to finally help him and his parents. I don't know, I just know that working with this boy is going to make each day a bit harder.

Anyway, I mentioned this post wasn't going to be such a downer. I have to say I'm trying to say "no" a bit more often and "yes" to myself more. Like today, I could have stayed home all day, wrote bills, laundry, graded papers, cleaned my room, and a bunch of other things, but I went out and ran a few errands, that weren't too tedious (like buying 6 yards of fleece for a school Christmas project and a trip to Archivers.) Picked Don up, went and ate a quick bite at Wendys and went to the grocery store. For as long as it's been since we've been to the store and it being a Saturday, we were there, back, and had it put away in about an hour and a half.

I've also been putzing around on the computer for a while tonight. But when I got online, I gathered up my bills and put through some online payments. then I decided to throw in a bit of laundry so I don't have to do it tomorrow. I also bought some songs from Itunes with some leftover money from a giftcard I had. Don was out with friends for dinner and he came home and heard I was poking around on Itunes and realized I was bored. Yep, bored is right. I don't want to sit and watch television, or grade papers. I want to sit and scrapbook the Christmas journal from a Christmas past so it gets done. I want to start on another project. The photos from my European trip. I figured I can grade papers tomorrow night. I also could sit and knit on some i-cords for my hat. I think knitting is why my little finger hurts a lot and it's really just starting to feel better. I know that's an excuse.

So I have a bit of time before I will go to bed. Have to wait for Brian to get home and then I'll turn into a pumpkin.

So on that note, I hope you can see that I'm a bit more positive and then there are a few things I'm just not dealing with much related to Brian so that relieves a lot of stress and pressure from me.

I should try to get a few things put on Craig's list tomorrow. I'm sure someone might like to buy the 3 coats I'm going to try to put up. They're in really nice shape. Cross your fingers!


Cindy said...

Hey friend, you are doing great and I'm proud of you for getting some "me time." I hope you can find the strength and resources you need to handle such a stressful class.

Anonymous said...

Good for you and your 'me' time...we all need a bit of that. I haven't gotten any of your e=mails..don't know why
I miss the girls, tell them all hi!