Sunday, September 14, 2008

What a week

The days of the week seem to slowly pass. Things are not normal here yet. Who am I kidding, things have never been known to be "normal" at my house.

I'm still working on organizing my classroom. Each day it gets a little better. I'm about to finish organizing my classroom library and let kids start checking out books. We played Scrabble with our 100 most commonly used words. Thanks to Linda, a teacher I adore working with, she drew up our own classroom version of the board. I wasn't ready to let the kids loose with the real boards and tiles. Not yet, maybe not for a few more times.

I got 2 new students last week, lost 2 students on Friday, and found out that I've just become the classroom with the second ESL cluster of students. We cluster so that they students can be serviced together by the ESL teacher. That's Linda, the ESL teacher; so I'm hoping that we'll be able to work together again. Things will hopefully pan out by Friday and then the "normalicy" will start with the schedule. Of course these students are coming out of transitional so they're used to 50% of their curriculum & day being taught in Spanish. I guess I don't know what I'll be expecting. We'll soon find out.

I've not been taking any pictures lately. I've not been doing any digital scrapbooking lately. I've not knitted much but have my yarn and needles for a hat I'm going to make. I did actually have it started before a couple stitches fell off the double pointed needles (dpn) and I decided to frog it so I could start over.

I did go hang out with my friend Marybeth and did some scrapbooking with real paper and scissors. OMG for those who know how into digital I am. I did 3 more pages in my Christmas Journal. Yes, that is the journal that I started almost 2 Christmas's ago and still aren't finished. Marybeth has forbidden me to do any other projects (that doesn't include digital or knitting) until I finish this dumb book. Woops...did I just call my project dumb? Well let's just say I'm quite tired of it and would love to move onto another project. So with all the rain we had yesterday and today... I decided to get my supplies back out and head to the LSS (local scrapbook store) and continue to work on it again. I got another 3 pages finished. 6 pages completed in the weekend. There are 35 different prompts and I've got over 20 finished. I'm trying to be postive about getting it finished. When it's finished I've got to find the album for it. That will be another big issue. I know what I want, but really haven't been able to find it.

Well it is really late here. Way past my bedtime actually and I didn't leave Marybeth's house until 2:00 am this morning. I've got a big week and I have to come home tomorrow and make up a quiz for my tuesday night class.

Here's hoping you have a good week.

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