Thursday, August 14, 2008

So much to do - so little time

Yikes, summer is flying by. August is flying by is more like it. Oh yikes, it felt like I had so much time off from the time I left for my cruise until school started again. Around mid-July I met with a co-worker to work on a project for school this year. Also in the midst of some stressful situations here at home, I was also thinking it was about time to get back on a schedule and get back to school. Then I applied to teach part-time at the local college along with my 4th grade position and now I've got so much to do and so little time.

I've got to go check out new phones and get a new phone plan. (Tomorrow I think)

I've got to get a tooth pulled a week from next Tuesday.

Help Don get registered for school.

Register Brian for school next Monday.

Take Doug back to school next Wednesday

Tonight is a paid discussion group about snack food. Thankfully it's a paying gig!

Doug has a softball tourney on Saturday.

I have a part-time faculty gathering at the college on Tuesday.

Next Wednesday & Thursday I have 2 days of training at my school.

I start teaching at COD next Thursday.

I have to finish my syllabus and send to the printer at the college. Hopefully by today or tomorrow.

Oh and how can I forget that there is a classroom that needs to have at least 75 boxes unpacked and set up. The office staff just got into the school yesterday and they don't have phones or computers. The principal has no idea how soon they'll be able to let us in the building. I guess I'm expecting that I can maybe get a few boxes unpacked the first couple days when teachers have meetings. Unfortunately that Tuesday before the kids come back on Wednesday I have to have a tooth pulled at 2:00 and then go teach at the college that evening.

Like I said, I've just got way too much to do. I know I have blocks of time where I have nothing planned, like today, until tonight. I think I need to do a bit of laundry, some work for school, and hopefully get a turkey cleaned and prepped because I'm going to be cooking it on the grill. That will free me up for 3 dinners this week and next week with leftovers.

I hope that you are able to sit back and enjoy the last few days of summer. I know many moms are ready for the school bell to ring and the kids aren't. The summer here has been tremendous. The humidity hasn't been unbearable and the temps lately have been in the mid to high 70's. We've had the airconditioning off for at least a week.

Make sure you get out and do something fun this weekend before the summer slips away.

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