Monday, February 25, 2008

Ughhhhhhhhhhh I'm sick

and feel horrible. I felt this coming on last Wednesday and thought it was just going to be a sinus infection. By Friday at school I was feeling horrible with a sore throat and occasionally it would feel like my lungs were burning.

I cough occassionally but I thought the sinus infection was getting better. I thought for sure with a low key weekend and really doing nothing I would be ok to go to school today. Nope, around 9:00 last night I started getting the chills and had a fever. I called in and then again today I thought I'd be fine for school tomorrow. Well after almost a whole day without a fever, I got one again. Granted just a low grade fever but I must really be fighting something.

I decided earlier today that I would take another sick day. I just want to feel better. It also wasn't too hard to decide when they are predicting 3-7 inches of wet, heavy snow. I won't feel like shoveling at all and I probably won't.

I just want to feel better so I can have a bit of energy back and sleep better. I'm up almost every hour looking at the clock or blowing my nose. I'm so congested that I'm sleeping horribly.

I hope to be feeling better tomorrow.

There is one thing I'm being productive knitting. No energy and sitting with the tv on means I can knit.

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