Saturday, April 19, 2008

A Saturday and a layout

I took yesterday off earlier in the week as a personal day because Don was going to be off and we were going to have a garage sale. The week got crazy and they kept calling for rain on Friday and Saturday. So we decided on Thursday when they kept saying rain, rain, rain that we would hold off for a couple weekends. Well yesterday was beautiful and although it rained a bit last night it's been cloudy but dry again today. I guess the weather people aren't always capable of predicting God's weather. So I'm thinking I should go out and price stuff to get ready for when the right weekend does come along.

I have been such a slacker with my Creative Team duties. I've been so swamped with work, which only gets busier from now until the end of the year, that I've not been doing much scrapbooking. Well today I was feeling super guilty and instead of going out, or actually going to my girlfriend's to scrapbook on her monthly scrapbook day, I just sat and did it in my quiet house.

The fruits of my labor are here:

Credits here

So I hope that you are having a funfilled weekend. I'm happy to see spring is here. We finally have some dafodills and a few tulips. Next week the tulips at the mall should be in full bloom and might deserve a little trip to see them, and maybe some shopping.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

love the layout laura....i was thinking of you today.....almost called you too to see if you were still having the garage sale. I missed you today at my house....we had a small group but it was fun!