Thursday, January 17, 2008

To some it's just an extra day off

but to me having Martin Luther King's birthday off is important. I was just over a year old when he was assassinated so the whole civil rights thing was not part of my life. But as I get older and see our world changing I keep learning more and more about civil rights and Dr. Martin Luther King.

What I find even more amazing is how much kids love learning about him. We watched a movie this week at school called My Friend Martin. The kids sit rivited for almost an hour just watching and watching. They know a lot and their hearts are still pure enough to say how much good he did and how treating people equally is so important.

I find I enjoy learning more about him. This year we have a new reading series and there is a story called My Brother Martin. That will be up for reading next week. We are also reading a book about immigrants and how some treated people didn't like them, but then that changes.

So on Monday if you are off or even if you aren't off, stop to think about how life could still be if Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. didn't fight for equality for all people.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Laura, good thoughts about MLK.

just wanted to let you know I've tagged you on my blog.