Sunday, January 06, 2008

The last blog before my vacation ends

I'm kind of whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa vacation is over and kind of yeah it's time to return to work. I've been dreaming about work for a few days and I think I'm a bit more relaxed and inspired to make sure things go well and the kids really start to learn. I almost get anxious to get back after winter break because there is always so much growth and maturity that seems to happen with a lot of the kids after this two weeks off. I chalk it up to the fact that their brains get to rest and take all that they've learned and finally gets to sort it all into the different files where it belongs and then connects with what was already there. It is not always as significant a change in 4th graders but when I taught 1st grade it was astounding. Those who were on the verge of beginning to read come back so ready and you go "yes" they got it.

Being back at work means that my schedule is more structured. Food is so much less accessible. That's a good thing for me. Although I didn't really gain weight over the winter holiday I'm now in the mode that I have to keep going and it's almost like a new start. A new start that MUST include more trips to the gym. I guess I just need to super structure my time so that I leave work at 4 and then on certain days I just hit the gym before I come home. Don says he'll go with me, but I can't count on that.

In weight watchers losing 10% is the first big milestone. I know that losing weight slowly is important in the long run but I'm hoping that by the end of January I'll be able to acheive that 10% goal. That is why the gym has got to become so important. I think I have 14 pounds to go before that 10%. I really think I could lose it but have to understand that if my body can't go so fast it will come off after that.

I heard this quote at a WW meeting and it really stuck with me. It is hard to lose 100 pounds 1 time, but it is easier to lose 1 pound 100 times.

I think with the nice weather, I'll try to go out and take a walk. Almost too muddy to walk the dogs but I can grab my ipod and go.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi Laura! thanks for stopping by my blog! Have fun at the gym. I'm trying to exercise more too. I'm still open to a get together too.