Monday, May 28, 2007

Remember the cow album I mentioned?

Well Friday night I got the urge to pack up a bunch of my stash and head out for a Friday night crop. I still had the urge yesterday too, so I went and spent the day by myself working again on that album. Had to leave when they closed and I still had the urge so I discussed dragging all my stuff out with Don and we decided that the coffee table in the living room would work for a bit. Now that I've sorted out stuff and have packed and unpacked twice I'm getting good. It won't take much time at all to get ready to scrapbook.

So that cow is 7x5. Each cow has it's own page. It will have the cow number and the title the artist gave it. Each page will have a little tab at the top that sticks out. The tin that is holding all of the pages will have some fun little cluster of something on the front, but I'm not altering the can too much. Hey cows don't need an altered album, they are altered! Here are a few pictures of the pages. They may not be completely finished but I decided to give you a sneak peak.

Now I should go clean up the sb table and get going on some homework I have to do. I also got this sinus infection almost overnight. UGH I can't be sick the last 9 days of school, too much going on. I also bought plants so I have some planting to do. We also roped off the section where we are going to be putting down paver stones for a small little patio. Don has these stones at work that they haven't used for years so we are getting them. Big project that needs done before the graduation party.

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