Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Almost to Hump Day

Yes, I've been known to refer to Wednesday as hump day. Not my favorite name for it, but sometimes just making it to Wednesday and getting over the middle of the week hump is so exhausting and this week has been one of those weeks.

This is my last week of extended day reading so I'll be free from students one hour earlier on Tuesdays and Thursdays. We still have mandatory teachers' meeting on Wednesdays but I think something is cooking for tomorrow's meeting. We were told to bring socks. We're thinking sock hop or bowling since it is teacher's appreciation week.

I've got a million and one things on my schedule and it seems like not nearly enough time for it all. I can't even imagine how I ever got things done when both boys were in sports, I went to school, and worked. Now there is more free time, or time that I allow myself to slack. I have a zillion papers to grade, and I'll tell you that is the absolute WORST part of my job. I hate to grade papers. Usually I have the students correct their work as part of our period but there are just some assignments they can't. Of course they are usually the big projects that are so subjective and take forever to read and grade. Well there are about 3 big stacks of those in my school bag tonight. I'll let you guess how many I'll actually be grading tonight!

Earlier tonight, we, Don, my mom and I, took the money and donations over to the family shelter. It is a brand new facility that has offices, counseling, and a live in facility. It is really nice and for women who need that time to heal and get on their feet, the facility allows someone to live there up to 6 months. We did get to go into the living quarters, but we didn't go upstairs to the bedroom areas. I talked to the head of the facility about my volunteering idea and she loved it. It probably won't start until July, they said they'd like me to go through some training and I need to get through school and then take my well deserved vacation. My idea for them is that I would come in and read the kids a story and do some type of activity that is related to the story. I also figure I could ride my bike there and get some excercise in too. I've got some time to sort this all out but if things work out, this is something that could even last through the school year.

Last night I went to a friend's house. We played "beauty shop." It was quite relaxing. I put highlights in her hair and she helped me color the gray out of mine. Mine is slightly lighter and a bit more red. No one even noticed so I think we did a good job.

This post does sound all upbeat doesn't it?? Well in an earlier post I mentioned that Don was fearing losing his job. He did in fact lose his job and we are waiting to hear the outcome of unemployment. We should find out tomorrow. I hope it comes through because this is his pay week and we are used to having a paycheck each week. Please say a prayer that he's able to find something he enjoys and pays what we need.

Well I need to go take a picture of Don, he's applying to be an extra in the new Johnny Depp movie that is shooting locally. My brother already has an extra part so he told Don about it.

Hope you have a good hump day!

1 comment:

Ursula Page said...

Girl.... I bet you are SO ready for summer! I hope you get a GOOD break. You need it. I will pray for your family!