Friday, February 17, 2006

Moving Day

Moving Day is Sunday.
We've been painting, cleaning, cleaning and painting to no end and moving day is almost upon us.
We've been working so hard at the new house that we've let the packing at the old house get backed up. At least we have one extra week to pack up extra stuff, move it and do a quick cleaning.

I'm still under a load of stress, but each day, as things get closer I figure there's not much I can do about it so I must just deal with it and get it done.

I'm going to be offline and will be dying without my girlfriends for support but the cable guy comes to reinstall cable and internet on Monday. Thankfully a long holiday weekend!

My next post will be from my new house. Until then...toodles!

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Good luck moving! I"ll be thinking of you.