I've also taken a bit of a break from knitting. I finally finished the kimono and booties for a friend and coworker. I've even got photos! I've also been reading. I'm going to try to read all the 2010 nominees. If you are interested, this is the master list of titles and other important information.
My first title was Kimchi & Calamari.

As much as I wasn't sure if I would like this book about a Korean boy adopted from birth into an Italian-American family. It captured my heart from the beginning. I'm actually glad I got to know Joseph and his everyday problems. He's a boy in junior high but the things he went through weren't too difficult or too junior highish.
I've also finished up a knitting gift. This was a little cotton kimono with a simple pair of booties.

I've also found a photo that shows just how big my boys are getting.

I never really figured that Brian would be as tall as Doug, but there is just a chance that he's going to pass him up. Let me tell you, that just bugs Doug to no end.
Well the weather is getting nice around here and the trees finally have almost gotten all their leaves. The grass is green and with the rain keeps needing mowed.
I can't wait until school is out and I can start putzing around and just doing what ever I feel like it.
I guess that means I need to start thinking about my summer to-do list.
We are also considering a vacation. Although I'm not a sand and beach girl, for some reason the beach is calling me. I'm thinking outer banks, east coast vacation of just relaxing and enjoying what we can do for cheap.
Hope you also treat your mom extra well on Sunday. She deserves it. I am going to go cut some lilacs off of a huge bush at an empty house and give them to my mom with her card. I already gave her some pillows for her new glider.
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