Yep, it's been nearly a month since I've been by to post up the daily happenings of my life. Well, I guess that I've been trying to lay low. Some may say that I've fallen off the face of the earth. Not really, but I have been immensely bored and haven't been doing much. I've been thinking about school, and how I want to try new things this year. I've been thinking of how I didn't like the teacher I was last year. But last year is over and luckily, each year, I get a brand new start.
Just like each year brings me brand new students, I get a chance to be a brand new teacher. Luckily, one with more and more experience. So I did my very best with what I was dealt last year, and now I get a chance to do my very best again, and also get to recreate myself into someone with more experience. Someone who is able to try new ways, better ways to help students learn more and love learning.
Ok, so much about my private soul searching and personal teacher recreation. What have I really been up to. Well nothing. Absolutely, really, nothing. We have gotten the kitchen 95% finished now. It is painted, appliances in and working, new shelves up, new rails up (wall rails) and we are trying to decide what else we need to do.
I also am sending condolences to my brother-in-law whose mother passed away. Last week we went to the wake.
We also moved my oldest back to school. He moved into an apartment with 2 friends this year. There were very few slotted dates to move in so he had the early one or two that were after school started. So he's moved in, living there alone. One other guy has been out there a couple times, and the third came to help move furniture and hasn't been seen or heard from. We've been on a hunt all summer for things for his apartment. Thankfully, we have some really good friends who have 2 older sons who have finished college. They kindly gave Doug a matching couch and love seat, a captain's bed that he built for his son's dorm room, and a tv. Then they've also been on the look out for other things and called with a chair he got. We were able to find silverware, dishes, a desk, and other things to get him started.
We've also (especially Don) have been having fun with keeping our pond. Unfortunately, we had a raccoon get into the pond and snatched out our turtle and now several of our fish. At garage sales, I found a fish tank that I was going to use to take the turtle in for the winter. I'm either going to have to give up that idea or buy a new one. Haven't decided on that yet.
I've also found a lot of good stuff for my classroom at garage sales. I actually found a retired teacher garage sale. I got classroom/school related chair pads, some great posters, books, teacher books, plastic bins (which you can never have enough of, and 2 easels. I've already looked up the lexile level of my books to have a jump start on getting them leveled and labed for my classroom library.
So now as summer is ending, I'm patiently waiting to find out if I'll have enough students enrolled into my college class. If so, they all usually register the last week as a prerequisite class that they don't know they can't take other classes until they register for this or pass the test. I have 2 now and usually they require between 10 and 20. I also start back on the 24th for 2 days of training. I also have a full day of training on August 20, then we will take a short weekend trip to St. Louis that weekend before school starts.
Anyone been to St. Louis? Got any must visit locations? We will for sure see the Arch. I'm thinking maybe the botanic garden or the zoo. I'd love to go to the Anheiser Busch brewery, but with Brian going, all tour members must be 21.
He starts school on the 26th so this will be his FINAL year. Finally, locked up, secured to be a senior. We've had to fight and make up class after class but he's got all the credits he needs to be able to finish this year. This will be quite a year, the year that all of my kids finish public school. I'm getting excited about that!
Well it seems like I've been able to ramble on about a bunch of nothing really. Considering I feel that I've been laying low, this seems long. Maybe I'll snap a few shots of my finished kitchen and add on here before school starts too!