Tomorrow is also my hubby's 43rd birthday. He is just coming into the prime of his life but he hates birthdays. I'll probably pick up a pumpkin pie or cheesecake tomorrow after class and surprise him when he gets home from class himself. The candy corn hat is also a present for him. He saw the pattern and hinted he'd like to have one.

Tomorrow is also the day my parents finally go to court and officially get divorced. The splitting of assets took forever. They also stayed married until they both could get onto social security and then the medicare issue. So basically their divorce has been in the works for almost 3 and a half years. This has been a really rotten time for family get togethers. I almost completely dread family gatherings anymore and now I can finally say my parents are divorced. I wonder if this means that my dad's girlfriend will be coming to the parties now? She had nothing to do with the divorce and it is a long story that is finally coming to an end, but it is going to be odd to have my mom, dad, and his girlfriend all at the same place.
The last part of my title has to do with my youngest son. He's way out of control and has lack of respect for either his father or I. He left last night after he was an hour late for his time to be home and then came home an hour after the town's curfew. We see his therapist this week, but we are certainly looking towards alternative schooling. I'm ready to beat him with a frying pan and give up my parental rights to him, but I can't give up on him. It's unfortunate that a really smart kid is completely failing 5 classes in school and doesn't care about it. I think I'm just going to stick by the homework requirements we've set and if he chooses to fail then he'll have to suffer the consequences. I'm getting really tired of always being the "bad mom" for caring and being his advocate when he doesn't care about his own success.
Well enough of my downer blog post, but just getting some of it off my chest is my own form of therapy. I hope you all enjoy your Columbus Day and have a super week. I'll be busy and doubt I'll be back again this week.
Hey, thanks for stopping by.
Hi Laura, sorry about your bummer kind of day, or should I say situations? I hope it gets better. I'd be back on the tipster board if I knew my p/w and login info...I've e-mailed both you and Ursula about it. I don't think i can get back in until you approve....
Hey Laura! What a bummer of a week! Seriously!
Hoping this week will be better for you!
hey dear....sorry about your week and Brian's situation...hang in there....being the "bad mom" will pay off one day....and just to say you are not a bad mom for your caring for are a good mom and I know you love him.
Hey, Laura, sorry to read about your tough times. Hope things are better now.
Is this a good time to tell you that I've tagged you on my blgo? You can see details on my blog.
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