Well if you know me, then you are closer than 7 degrees. My son attends there. My son was actually with a friend of his who ditched her class today. Her class was the class where the shooting occured. How did God choose who to spare? This girl is unbelieveably lucky.
I had 2 meetings, then door duty outside, then my Tuesday/Thursday after school reading group. I didn't hear the news, I didn't hear my cell phone ring. I had 5 missed calls and a text message. I learned of the shooting and of course your mind thinks the worst. After all Doug went through last semester I just knew in my heart that God would not let anything happen to him again. Don let me know that a friend of Doug's called to let us know he talked to Doug online and he can't call out but he was ok. Then all the other phone calls started. My brother, sister, mother, father, friends, co-workers all were calling and by then we only knew he was locked in his dorm. Locked down in a dorm, who would have thought that was the best place to be?
After making and answering phone calls all the way home I thought I'd just try Doug's cell. Unbelievably the call went through and he answered. The joy of hearing my son's voice! The peace of knowing my son was safe. The tears still well up in my eyes each time I realize how blessed we were today. Then my heart immediately turns to those families who have dead children or injured children. Why not us and why them? Those are the questions you ask of God but then you know that you still must hope and believe his will and power is the almight authority and you'll never get those answers.
In that wonderful phone call I got the best news, Doug was coming home tonight! He was coming home Saturday anyway to celebrate my sister's birthday, but just hearing him say today, soon, was the best news I'd heard all day. So each time we heard a car on the street we'd give a glance to see if it was pulling in. Finally he was home and I don't know how big of a sigh I must have let out, but it was probably big. I was glad just to see him walk through that door. The best sight I'd seen all day. My Valentine's Day brought one of my loves home. Now I've got all three home with me if for just a little while. I've got my family together and all safe for tonight and I have to continue to give thanks to God for that.
This is the best thing I've seen all day!

Wow, how stressful for you! I'm so happy that Doug is safe! (((hugs)))
I am so happy he is OK!!!!!! What a blessing and how scary!
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