We did have some good news today, my brother got a new job. He used to work for Guilda Club but wasn't happy there and left right before Christmas and jobs in his field of grants and fundraising don't open up that frequently. He did find a job and is still interviewing with another company which has a bigger position if it works out. Until then, the new one is good.
More good news is that Don asked his new boss for his old job back and he got it! This is a good thing because he's got more freedom and flexibility. Considering Don can't be tied down and needs to move and likes different tasks rather than just very similiar tasks it is a terrific thing that he's so highly thought of to be given his old job back. He was under so much less stress, for the most part, when he wasn't chained to a center or to the marketing company. I pray this is what makes him happy and more relaxed.
We did get bad news today. You know you always get the good with the bad. Today my aunt called my mom and said my uncle has been diagnosed with esophogile cancer. It hasn't spread but he will have surgery, feeding tube, radation, and chemo. This is so sad because they retired a few years ago and have just been starting to enjoy their retirement. My uncle is such a quiet man but has such a presence when he's around. He'll sneak out and you'll see him filling up the bird feeders so the birds will keep coming around. This is just awful news because 2 years ago my aunt beat breast cancer now instead of enjoying life they're back into the cancer routine.
If you see it within yourself could you please say a prayer for my Uncle Dick. He's taught my kids so much and my aunt and uncle are like another set of grandparents for my kids. My kids know gun safety and the real reason to use guns instead of seeing how criminals use them thanks to my uncle.

Well I think I'm going to hop off here now and try to knit a bit more. Don got to come have pizza at the restaurant with us but had to go back and close up the facility. Bummer! He probably won't be home for an hour and a half or two hours. So there's probably nothing else we're going to do tonight for my birthday.
Hope you had an enjoyable day today, mine was pretty good considering I grew another year older. LOL I have to share...when my students asked how old I was going to be today, I said 27! One girl says, "oh my mom is 27 too!" OMG they believed me! So today I'm 27! Tomorrow I'll decide if I go back to my regularly scheduled age.
Peace, love and happiness!
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