Sunday, September 23, 2007

should this blog stay or go?

I know I'm a really horrible blogger. I just already know that but I am wondering if it is really worth putting the time into my blog any more. I know that in about the last month or more there have been only about 2 comments on anything I post.

This blog takes me extra time, I know my family doesn't read it, and I really don't know who else reads it. Since I've put my blog counter on, which was in the spring, I've only had approximately 300 views. I am not highly sophisticated to be able to go behind the scenes and figure out who comes and goes. Apparently not too many because I guess people find what I write to be boring and probably self-centered.

So I think I'm going to let my blog go idle for a bit. I've got 100 different things going on and I'm really trying to start to make things more simple. I read something really interesting on Ali Edwards blog. It was about saving time by touching things once. I couldn't find the post but what she talked about was her mail. She is trying to open it up then deal with it immediately. Either putting it away, throwing it away, or taking care of it right then and there. It really made sense to me. I think she said she read it in Real Simple magazine, which I've subscribed to and still waiting for the first issue!

So that is one thing I'm trying this year. I don't know why it is working a little bit at home, but not at school. I'm so far behind this year at school it is unbelievable. Partially because I have a difficult group and partially because I got caught behind the 8 ball with 7 training days during the two weeks we could get in and work on our rooms. A third reason is because I've undertaken such a enormous project of leveling all my books. I'm looking up the lexile levels, color coding them, and putting a library pocket and note card for check out in each one. I purchased a box of 500 library pockets and I'm worried I might have to purchase another one.

Until I update again, read, comment, and enjoy life!


Anonymous said...

I know this is probably the first time I comment on your blog, oke, it is probably the first time ever I visit your blog ! I can totally understand what you are talking about, sometimes you wonder who you're blogging for ... There are so many wonderful blogs out there to read and so little time, that probably a lot of great blogs rarely get a visit ! I know I only read 4 or 5 on a regular basis, that's all the time I can (and want) to spend ;-) Maybe you should try and leave your blog alone for a while, and when the time is right you might feel like blogging again. Looks like your schedule is very full anyway !

Just wanted to say that .... hope you don't mind :-)

daNi aLeNCar said...

I can say to you... people look and go away withou commenting... sometimes just because they are not in the mood, sometimes because of busy time. Well, I had this problem before and I realize it was because it got me a looong time to blog... people come, don't see new stuff, they let you on stand by. LOL

Well... freebies and scrap related news are great way of having some visits too.

But first of all, you have to do this for yourself and no for others... do you like to blog? Do you have fun? Otherwise it's not worth... think about it...

Have a great life.

Rachel said...

I understand - I've been wrestling with the same problem!

Anonymous said...

I know that no one really reads my blog but that doesn't bother me a whole lot. I'm not really doing it for other people. It's just way for me to talk to myself, which I apparently need to do LOL. Also it's my little internet playground. I like playing around with html and css a little and my blog gives me a place to do that. I have one person that reads my blog fairly regularly and that's okay. Even my own DH showed zero interest in it.

But I say if your blog is not doing anything for you and you need to focus on other things, well, it won't hurt to let it go idle for a bit. You can always return to it if you feel the need.