Here it is before:

and here is the after:

So what do you think? Was it a good grab to save it from the garbage man? Every time I've done that, I usually wind up keeping it for a long time or selling it. I remember picking up an easel from the neighbor's who used to live across the street. I had been painting something else blue so I painted the easel blue. Then I sold it at a garage sale for $15. They came to the garage sale and didn't even recognize the easel.
You know my chair, my sister was at my mom's today and saw the seat and asked if that was the chair she saw when she came to the graduation party. It was and it sat out on the curb for 4 days before I picked it up. She was going to pick it up but I got it first!
cool fabric great find awesome looking chair
and question.... do your mp3's have to be "itunes" or can you load any mp3..... cause i have over 1500 plus books on "tape"
LOVE that sweet chair! I wish I had a chair I could cover... I love playing with fabrics.
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