Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Finally back around the blog scene

I've made it through the end of the class. I've started collecting data and journaling for my action research project. I made it through the prom weekend and now I find out I'm going to have to have someone video tape me doing one of the big projects for next semester. I'm dreading it starting because I have loads and loads of stuff to do.

You know the end of a school year is almost worse than the beginning of one for a teacher. Files to organize and maintain, post tests, end of the year stuff, packing up, all that good stuff. I guess we are also finding out our placements in 10 days. I can't think that far ahead, I can only go day by day since there is so much to do.

I thought I'd come by and calculate how many more days until the last day of grad school...47 weekdays.

I also thought I might add a few prom pictures for your viewing pleasure.

I can't believe this kid is going to graduate soon. The announcements went postal yesterday.

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