Today I got some little urge to start looking for the outside or the container for my Cow album. Not just any cow album, but all the Chicago cows from Cows on Parade. These were cows that were painted, decorated or exquisitely covered with all different themes. I've had these photos for quite a few years now. I had thought
that I wanted this dinner break tin and still might have to break down and order it and have it shipped because I can't find it around here. In the mean time I found a new sb store and Don just happened to have to drive right by it and picked up what I think I might use instead.
I got this one because it had a clear front.They also had this one, called Jack, on sale and I thought it might work too. I just hope that either of the two Don picked up will be the size I need. The Maya Road one will hold a 5x7 album.
So now that I've got my container on the way, I've decided not to put these in an album. I'm going to leave the pages loose like you would get files out of a drawer or something.
I'm going to really try to clean out a bunch of my scrapbook stash. I'm finding that I'm much happier creating when I do pages digitally. I love there is no mess and things don't need to be left out. I really do have a lot on my plate lately and just don't know how soon I'll be able to work on this album.
I have two really important sets of papers to grade before Thursday. On Friday we have our institute day to split up classes. This is happy but yet painful day. Happy to know you are sending kids off, especially the ones who just happen to drive you a bit batty. Painful because you've bonded with them and you want them to take what you've helped them learn and grow up. I always wonder did you really learn everything I've tried to teach you, are you ready for this? But on a happier note, the year is almost over. I've got tons to do before then. I have to finish my action research, plan and video tape me teaching a professional development lesson, finish my next portfolio before Tuesday and class again starts on Tuesday.
I got my 2007-2008 assignment yesterday and I'm staying put. I'll be teaching English, 4th grade next year at the same school. I don't know yet if I'll have to change classrooms or not, but if it's to a room with more windows than I have now, I might just be happier. That means though that everything will need packed up moved and unpacked.
I just can't wait until I start having free time again. Time that I don't have to worry about the pressures of homework and deadlines. Time for a walk, to read, or crafts. Time to update my blog a little more often.
Well my laundry is about to be finished and I need to get another load going. I should get up, get dressed and wash off the patio furniture too. Bunko group meets tonight and tomorrow my friend Mary Beth is having a southern living party.