Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Razr Bling

Ok, I've had this in mind for about 2 weeks. I made these three little bead charms one Sunday morning and had to find the cord. I found the cord late last week and after making a comment on Holly's Blog about my pink Razr or what my dad calls my "Sissy Phone", I mentioned I was putting some bling on my phone. Well today I got a nudge to get it put together from Holly herself. So I put the bead charms on the cord and the cord on the phone. Now I've officially pimped by phone! I'm sorry the photos stink, I used the point and shoot digital not the Rebel. You'll get the idea. Maybe I should sell these so you all can pimp your phones!


Anonymous said...

That's just too cute!!! :) I found some cute bling kits for studding the phone too on ebay...oh, wonder if I should? LOL You Rawk!

Kimberlee said...

I'm so jealous. I bought some cute bling-age a couple of weeks ago, only to figure out that my retarded phone doesn't let me attach it! :(

You're so funny. :)

Adrienne said...

I LOVE your phone bling! You are SO cool.

Pam said...

Love you pink phone and it's bling!