My new favorite breakfast is healthy! Believe it or not, I've found a healthy alternative to Lucky Charms. This is it. It is a mixture of vanilla yogurt, strawberries and Cherrios. This morning I felt really crummy because I'm getting sick but had enough energy to cut up some strawberries and mix up my breakfast. I actually had two bowls it tasted so yummy!
Other than my breakfast, and getting sick, I have Monday off. Casmir Pulaski Day. It figures I'd be getting sick. Brian is sick and coughing all the time. We'll be going to the doctor for his physical on Monday so I hope he's better, if not we'll probably be getting some medicine too.
We are still unpacking boxes and trying to set up this house. Still waiting for the washer... yes I do need to do laundry! ={
I've also started some digital scrapbooking and trying to decide upon a program..Digial Image Suite or Photoshop Elements. I am leaning towards elements I think.
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