Tuesday, March 28, 2006
I don't know which I was more worried about. After all, I did study as much as I could for the midterm. I also worked my butt off on that portfolio for almost 3 weeks straight. I felt confident about the midterm, well pretty confident the night we took it. I wasn't sure what to expect the night we turned in our portfolios. I was relieved to have it done and turn it in. It felt like 2 months would take forever to get here. It really was quite fast. Yikes 2 months have passed since my birthday then, crap then only 10 more until I turn 40.
Ok, so I know you're dying to know.
On the midterm, it was worth 100 points. Well I scored 97/100 and got the 3 point extra credit problem correct. So I truly got 100/100!!!!
Ok, one down one more to go. It was at the end of class when our adivsor came in. If you're not sure about the portfolio, scroll back and see the monsterous binder. Ok so 2 different people had to read and score it. All together, the portfolio needs to have a large number of Target approvals. The maximum it could have is 45 Target approvals. You know like what you wrote is "right on target". The choices they could score are Target, Acceptable, and Unacceptable.
Out of the 45 of the areas that were scored... I received 43 Target and 2 Acceptables. OMG I was so amazed. There were only 2 small areas that I need to tighten up and make stronger for next time. Make a stronger point that what I believe in my educational philosophy is documented within my project. Not really within my project but within my brief 1 paragraph statement that basically defends my project.
Now the stinky news...we found out that we will not be done with the program in May 2007 as earlier expected. We will have to take the last class in the summer of 07. That means that we won't walk through the graduation ceremony until December of 07. I really don't care about the ceremony, I care about the pay increases and being done. I'm getting burned out and the classes from here on out are only going to keep getting more and more difficult.
Thanks to everyone for your support while I did this huge undertaking. I'm so glad the portfolio is done and safe, back in my hot little hands. Now I'll tuck it into a safe spot in my closet or on my bookcase and take one more peak at those Target scores and get cracking on my next project that's due soon. I will not be putting off having the next portfolio artifacts done until the very end this time either!
Monday, March 20, 2006
Wow...I'm a bad Blogger
This is testing week at school. Since I teach 4th grade, we have the most tests now. So I lose all my planning periods this week. UGH, I say. Don doesn't say it but he enjoys seeing the extra $250 on the pay check in a couple weeks. I guess I could buy a few more digital kits!
So I'll give you a sneak peak of what I've started working on.
This is my mom.

The paper is Jen Wilson. The flowers are Holly McCaig.
It still needs some work. I need some insides for all those flowers.
This is based upon a the Autumn Leaves 2005 calendar.
Saturday, March 04, 2006
My new favorite breakfast

My new favorite breakfast is healthy! Believe it or not, I've found a healthy alternative to Lucky Charms. This is it. It is a mixture of vanilla yogurt, strawberries and Cherrios. This morning I felt really crummy because I'm getting sick but had enough energy to cut up some strawberries and mix up my breakfast. I actually had two bowls it tasted so yummy!
Other than my breakfast, and getting sick, I have Monday off. Casmir Pulaski Day. It figures I'd be getting sick. Brian is sick and coughing all the time. We'll be going to the doctor for his physical on Monday so I hope he's better, if not we'll probably be getting some medicine too.
We are still unpacking boxes and trying to set up this house. Still waiting for the washer... yes I do need to do laundry! ={
I've also started some digital scrapbooking and trying to decide upon a program..Digial Image Suite or Photoshop Elements. I am leaning towards elements I think.