Any time I can get Doug to take a picture and he smiles,
that's a treat!
Any time I get to take a picture of Brian, Mr. Photogenic,
that's a treat!
Any time I can get a photo of both boys and me together,
that's the RARE TREAT!
I swear my kids are so handsome! Yes I am biased!
I can't believe they are so big. I mean, old.
They are getting old and growing up so fast.
It doesn't bother me that they are getting so tall, that's a good thing.
Volleyball players need to be tall!
It does amaze me that it's been over 16 years.
I wish I knew then what I know now.
These boys would be so much smarter.
I guess being a teacher now, tells me what they should have been practicing for years with me instead of just in school.
But hey...if it weren't for them I would have never gone into teaching.
I should be thankful for that. I have learned a lot from these two, I just hope they say one day, I learned a lot from my mom.
D&B I love you!
Those really are some handsome boys Laura! They should smile all the time. You are doing such a good job raising them.
it is hard to get a photo of tenage boys! lol lucky you all looks good- hop your coping with the moving thing
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