the first quarter of the year is over. 1 down, 3 to go. I'm quite a lucky girl this year, I've got a very managable class size, 20 now and I've got really, REALLY nice kids. People are amazed how nice, polite, and kind they are. A total 180 from last year. Last year there we so many low kids who had so many needs. There were bullies, horribly misbehaved students, clicky girls who would get their older sisters to beat the other girl up.
This year, I'm trying to be home earlier, keep my mind on other things rather than school. I'm enjoying being home at night and not having to run from one teaching job to another. That being said, not teaching at the college this semester has put quite a dent into the ole checkbook though. I keep trying to believe that God is telling me that less is more sometimes. Use what you have and enjoy people and not things.
It has been a stressful start to the school year in other ways. Don wound up with a kidneystone. He needed surgery and was in the hospital almost 3 days. He had two other surgeries and we still think there are still stone fragments in his kidney.
After that, he was getting out of his car and his foot slipped on some wet pavement and leaves. He reached around into the car to try to catch himself from really falling. When he reached back into the car to grab inside, he ripped his intercoastal muscle and dented the cartledge between two of his ribs. Now after visiting the urilogist again for a check up, they found he has double hernias and he'll be headed to the surgeon next week for a consultation. We need to have this done before the end of the year for deductible purposes. So it appears that sometime soon, he'll be having another surgery.
Ok, so I know you take the good with the bad. I think that it's just crazy. When something slows down in my ife that something else gets crazy. I've been trying to knit to keep busy and now I've also pinched a nerve in my hand. I'm trying to not knit quite as much to try to let the swelling go down. It's been a couple weeks and it's not working either.
So now that you've gotten an update, I want to say thanks for stopping by!
I'm always glad to see a comment from a friend or two!
Peace people!