I've been quite busy and believe me nothing I want to happen. Truly, my mom says she doesn't think I could function properly unless I was busy. Today we were talking about the fact that as each day passes I get more and more grouchy. Today I said I should get out the "banana gun." Yes it's my private joke with a few teachers at school. The kids are getting really crazy at school and it's driving me nuts.
Maybe I should take you back for a bit of catch-up. Two weeks ago I found something growing on my throat. Inside, like the size of a large grape. I went to the doctor and had my thyroid checked since sometimes I feel just horribly run down. Everything came out clear and normal except this thing on my throat. Went for an ultrasound, and that ruled out that it wasn't my thyroid, but that sent me on for a CT scan. CT scan showed it wasn't a blood vessel and looked like a lymph node. That got me an appointment with the ENT. He was stumped and scoped my nose, sinus,and the inside of my throat looking for any indication of what could make this mass start to grow. Nothing points towards anything being wrong, except this mass growing on my throat. That then led to a biopsy. It's been the waiting on the results that is continually making me grouchy. I'm under way too much stress and it's hard not to think about it and whenever my phone rings I jump. I'm quite worried yet they keep saying it's new, nothing indicates there is any visual problem, you're young, so we expect it to not be cancer. But then again, the tests can come up inconclusive or negative, or positive. It's just not having anyone know how it got there, why it got there, and what it is caused from that is driving me nuts.
Then add in the fact that I've had very few planning periods away from the students last week and this week just is making me a bit overwhelmed with kid issues. It is just that some of them are back to their old tricks too. There are just too many days between now and spring break.
So add all of that along with teaching night school, having Doug home from school (it's great, but extra food needed here), and the giant fight that comes up next week with the high school about Brian. It's just incredible and I just am so sick and tired of dealing with issues that are just wrong.
So I'm just feeling overwhelmed, under appreciated, over worked, under paid, and worn out. I'm nervous about phone calls tomorrow. They said if I hadn't heard any results I should call on Friday. Of course when will that happen without any time away from the students? As a teacher, I totally hate Fridays.
I'm really feeling I could use some prayers and something to help destress myself. I need spring break!
Well now I hope you realize why I don't post too much because truly, there is too much going on.