This week was unbelievable. Last weekend we got another 4-6 inches of snow on top of what we received earlier. I've got about 12 inches of snow on the ground. Then we had a blizzard warning on Monday night into Tuesday. That was cancelled due to lack of blowing snow, then the bottom dropped out. We had wind chills of -30 to -40 for about 2 or 3 days. Many shcools cancelled due to the dangerously,cold weather, but not my school. My district had teacher in-service on Friday so we were all over at schools taking classes. I was not at my own school, I traveled between 2 different schools. That meant I didn't go back to my own school or my classroom, I went straight home Friday afternoon and enjoyed a sunshine filled afternoon. Cold but sunny helps a lot.
Yesterday, the weather warmed up a bit. If you call tens and teens warmer, yes it felt about 50 degrees warmer than the previous wind chills. It snowed another dusting and it's white, iciclely and cold out still. The dogs don't want to go out to go potty. Well, I should clarify that, my big dog, CJ loves going out and frolic in the snow. He is the snow dog, the one to put that snout into the snow and root around. The little princess (aka PITA) thinks she's too good to go out and poop in the snow. "I shall not poop in snow up to my butt." is her motto. We've had to pick up a pile from the rug in front of the door. She's truly a "female dog."
Getting through this week was different. Brian has been suspended and transfers to a new school next week. Difficult to accept, but with God's help, I'm starting to understand it's not a reflection upon me. He must accept and deal with his consequences for the choices he's made. Then this week was also finals week. He was allowed to take the finals, although suspended, but he got incredibly sick and was down with a high fever for several days. He's still recooperating, but should be back and ready to start school next Tuesday. We'll have to find a time to make up all those finals but he gets out of school earlier than the high school so we could work that in or maybe they'll just send them out to his new school.
The colleges (both NIU and COD) started this week. Don's going back for a few more classes, Doug's new semester started, and the class I'm teaching started also. I have more students this semester and a few are probably going to be a challenge.
I'm also dealing with an upcoming birthday. I've got a family situation I've been struggling with and trying to make a decision about. I've got more praying to do with this one. Still a bit torn as to what I need to do.
Yesterday was a fun day to end the week. Don's added another night into his work schedule for a couple weeks so that means nights alone without my honey and days alone while he sleeps. I took advantage of his sleep time and went to scrapbook at my girlfriend's house. She's back into having her once-a-month scrapbook day. We had good conversation, a delicious lunch and snacks, and I got much closer to having the cow album finished. I've got about 8 photos tops until I've got the pages done and then a little bit of outer decorations to add to the can. Yes, each page is 7x5 (landscape), contains a picture of a Chicago decorated cow, the cow's number, name and a few decorative elements. Marybeth has been keeping me on track about getting unfinished projects done. Not sure what I'll be moving on to next, maybe my Texas album from my visit to my friend Helen's house. I also have a couple puzzle pieces to finish for an altered puzzle, I'd love to put together a tag book made from tags my Tipster friends made me, some letter H's I want to continue to alter for a shelf I need to put up, and I still have my Oprah's Favorite Things memory album to finish. I've also got hundreds of photos I need to continue to edit and print from my Baltic cruise for the photo carousel I want to make. Lots and lots of projects to do and just never enough time or space to get them out to work on them.
I've also got the everyday, mundane list of chores and jobs to get done. Tomorrow is an extra day off to celebrate and remember Martin Luther King, then I wish I could sit and watch the inauguration on Tuesday. Also a haircut is on the calendar for tomorrow and maybe I can talk my friend into playing beauty shop and to color my hair. I need a little perk up for this upcoming birthday. Gosh, getting old is hard!
Take care, stay warm, say your prayers, and try to enjoy your week. I'm going to try to find something to be thankful for each day. Peace!