Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Spring!
UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! More snow. We are under another winter storm warning and the forcast says around 5 inches. What is going on here Mother Nature?
Today is Good Friday! As a Christian I cannot be thankful enough that Jesus died for my sins. I've been so blessed and I'm so grateful I live in a country where I can believe what I want, express myself as I want, and can openly practice and discuss my religion. There are so many that can't.
Today is also the first day of spring break! Ahhhhhh, yes it's been a very stressful time at school since we returned from winter break. We are finished with ISATs (state testing) and I'm hoping to get around to more science and social studies. Last week we did a TIMS science investigation and disected flowers looking at all the parts. Drat, I forgot to bring home the flowers we didn't use, bummer.
I also stayed at work late yesterday, so late I almost forgot and was almost really late for my eye exam. I did get all the tedious papers graded and the scores entered into the computer. Yahoo!! With the eye exam, nothing's really changed in the last 2 years but I think I want new glasses. I was also talking about Lasik. Both are quite expensive. Unfortunately I know which glasses I want, but at the eye doctor, with my prescription, and including my meager discount, they would be over $500. I have flexible spending health care money set aside, but last year I didn't have enough to cover everything and in late March/early April, I'm afraid to take $500 out. Now granted, Don and an ER visit for the seizure, Brian had an ER visit for a skateboard incident, Brian's therapy, my surgery in August, and Doug's 3 hospital visits. Luckily his last 2 were covered 100%. I also used over $400 for new glasses last year too. I'm just a worry wart I guess.
This will be a week of calm and relaxation. I will work on my sweater, I want to do a couple of scrapbook/spring decorating projects, and I hope to get to the Y a few times. I want to scrapbook with my girlfriend, Marybeth. I want to go back to the Museum of Science and Industry to see the glass blowing exhibit. We didn't pay extra to do that with the students last week. Could you see 9, fourth grade classes going into a glass exhibit? I thought it would be like a bull in a china shop. My mom has also never been there so I offered to take her with.
I also have some filing to do here. I should get bunches of stuff on ebay. The dogs go to the groomer on Tuesday. Doug's home to start his new job at Uhaul this weekend. I offered to cook for us and my mom for Easter. I want to hang out with Marybeth one day. I know Brian will need taxi service. Just the same old mom stuff.
I am just glad to be off and to let my head relax. This will be a difficult week foodwise with WW because of the holiday and I tend to eat while I'm bored. I need some help in that area. I have a list a mile long of things I want to and need to get done, but for some reason my body is never motivated to get it done. Why is that? If you know the answer I'd love to hear it. I have the urge for my body to move. I know losing 25 pounds is the reason for that. I just can't get my head and my body into sync.
Anyhoo I'm about to go see if I can find part of the elements for my spring decorating project. I loved what
Ali Edwards did with chipboard butterflies
and I want to do something similar and hang them off of my chandelier in my dining room. I think they'll look great flying over my purple hyacynth. They smell absolutely devine and wish I could youtube the smell and send it to you.
I also forgetting to tell you all that I've finally been invited to join the knitting/crocheting site
Ravelry. It took at least 10 days to get my invitation. I'm so excited to find a site that will help me be a better knitter/crocher. I'll be having fun meandering around there this week.
Anyway I've written quite enough and I've kept you reading probably longer than you wanted. I'll hopefully be back later in the week with new layouts with the new Chirpi
tape alpha and lucky products.I wish everyone an excellent weekend and joyous Easter.