I know my blog has been totally neglicated, but until I get all the work done for this darn class I have to cut out some stuff and the bloggie is it. Believe me, I'd much rather be updating my blog, scrapbooking, exercising, and other fun things that "normal" people do. By normal I mean everyone who does fun activities in their free time, not overconsumed with homework. I'll be so glad to be back among the "normal" people soon.
Now today I came to calculate how many more days were left until the last grad class. I got out the calendar and counted 74 days. YIKES how did it go from 60 to 74??? Then I went back and recalculated. I thought it should be only 54. Believe me 54 sounds so much better than 74. How did the number jump to 74 you ask? Well I did not count weekends. I guess I figured when the lady who is retiring at work only counts weekdays and days with students, I guess I originally decided to only count weekdays. So today I'll clarify how I'm counting. I'm only counting weekdays, not weekends.
Therefore...there are only 54 more days until the last day of grad class. YIPEE!
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
Sunday, April 22, 2007
What a weekend
The weather has been fantastic! Yesterday about 77, today 80. Today is a bit more windy, gusty you'd say. The winds of change are blowing. We are predicted to have thunderstorms tonight. Hey I'm enjoying today for today.
Church, wake, musical, now an assignment. Nothing new in that respect; just another typical day in my world. I'll be so happy to rejoin the ranks of the "what normal people do" after school is out.
Today was the final day of the musical. The kids all seemed so much more relaxed today. After they tear down the set, there is another cast party. Doug's gotten home the past couple nights after 1:00 am. It's no wonder he didn't want to get up yesterday morning, or this morning. I hope he's having the time of his life. He's got approximately 30 more school days until he graduates.
With that it means I have about 30 more school days. I'll get that official update tomorrow from a co-worker who is retiring and has been counting down since last year. He also needs to make up his mind who he will ask to prom. The theme is something James Bond..007. Great theme I think considering they are graduating in 07! I actually think he's got 2 extra days off this week because the seniors don't attend school while the juniors take their state assessments. Lucky guy!
Just a reminder...61 more days until grad school is officially FINISHED!!
Ok off to make a decision about what's for dinner. I also need to go buy some dog food. Oh...that assignment too. Well it's almost over.
Church, wake, musical, now an assignment. Nothing new in that respect; just another typical day in my world. I'll be so happy to rejoin the ranks of the "what normal people do" after school is out.
Today was the final day of the musical. The kids all seemed so much more relaxed today. After they tear down the set, there is another cast party. Doug's gotten home the past couple nights after 1:00 am. It's no wonder he didn't want to get up yesterday morning, or this morning. I hope he's having the time of his life. He's got approximately 30 more school days until he graduates.
With that it means I have about 30 more school days. I'll get that official update tomorrow from a co-worker who is retiring and has been counting down since last year. He also needs to make up his mind who he will ask to prom. The theme is something James Bond..007. Great theme I think considering they are graduating in 07! I actually think he's got 2 extra days off this week because the seniors don't attend school while the juniors take their state assessments. Lucky guy!
Just a reminder...61 more days until grad school is officially FINISHED!!
Ok off to make a decision about what's for dinner. I also need to go buy some dog food. Oh...that assignment too. Well it's almost over.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
ahhhhhhhh TGIF
It's late and it's almost Friday...payday Friday to be exact.
This has been the first week back and a crazy one.
My students were selected to perform at the district fine art's fair. I couldn't go because Brian had a volleyball game and today was the opening night of Doug's highschool musical Music Man.
Today one of my students was a bit out of control today and I asked his father to come in. That helped a bit. Tomorrow should be better.
Yesterday I got my rough draft back and it has a lot of edits. I'm not sure I trust the guy proofing it because he's had articles published and there are mistakes that stick out like a sore thumb in the published article. Anyay there are A LOT of things he wants me to work on and I have another project due on Tuesday as well.
I also had another nice suprise today. Someone brought a guest to my room. Not really a guest, a visitor. It was the university supervisor who was in charge of my student teacher. He gave me a paper that allows me to take a 3 semester grad class for free.
Yeah...don't even say it...I'm counting down the number of days until my Master's degree is finished, 64 more, and I'm thinking about taking another class. This is the way teacher's make more money...take more classes.
Want to shout out to my good friend Adri who I'd love to have a mini vacation to come and say hi!
Congrats to Ursula and Chris on 10 years of marriage.
And to Doug...you did a great job tonight!
This has been the first week back and a crazy one.
My students were selected to perform at the district fine art's fair. I couldn't go because Brian had a volleyball game and today was the opening night of Doug's highschool musical Music Man.
Today one of my students was a bit out of control today and I asked his father to come in. That helped a bit. Tomorrow should be better.
Yesterday I got my rough draft back and it has a lot of edits. I'm not sure I trust the guy proofing it because he's had articles published and there are mistakes that stick out like a sore thumb in the published article. Anyay there are A LOT of things he wants me to work on and I have another project due on Tuesday as well.
I also had another nice suprise today. Someone brought a guest to my room. Not really a guest, a visitor. It was the university supervisor who was in charge of my student teacher. He gave me a paper that allows me to take a 3 semester grad class for free.
Yeah...don't even say it...I'm counting down the number of days until my Master's degree is finished, 64 more, and I'm thinking about taking another class. This is the way teacher's make more money...take more classes.
Want to shout out to my good friend Adri who I'd love to have a mini vacation to come and say hi!
Congrats to Ursula and Chris on 10 years of marriage.
And to Doug...you did a great job tonight!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Monday, April 16, 2007
Update on the countdown
Today was the first day back after "spring" break. I put spring in quotes for the mere fact that we had snow and temps in the 20's and 30's. Therefore it was more like a winter break do-over. I am a bit glad the weather was horrible because I was inside working on my paper for so long. I had a hard enough time concentrating as it was without gorgeous weather.
Tomorrow is parent-teacher conference day. I really feel this is one of the worst days of the year. I really dread having to continually tell parents..well you know when your child does not do their homework, they aren't getting enough practice and therefore that is why his/her grade isn't really good. You'd think that parents would start to give a hoot. Some do and then there is those who don't. Nice example for your kids to live up to.
Ok today there is 67 more days until the last day of grad school and a teacher at work says there are 38 more school days...only 35 with kids. This teacher has had the countdown going since the first day of LAST year. she's retiring...can you tell she's ready??
Still haven't gotten back my edited version of my paper. Hopefully soon because I know it still needs work.
I also have a paraprofessional project to do. Maybe tomorrow after conferences. It's just too nice looking outside to sit behind my computer all night. That and I want a night off. I can sit, watch tv and grade papers. That's another part of the job I hate.
Tomorrow is parent-teacher conference day. I really feel this is one of the worst days of the year. I really dread having to continually tell parents..well you know when your child does not do their homework, they aren't getting enough practice and therefore that is why his/her grade isn't really good. You'd think that parents would start to give a hoot. Some do and then there is those who don't. Nice example for your kids to live up to.
Ok today there is 67 more days until the last day of grad school and a teacher at work says there are 38 more school days...only 35 with kids. This teacher has had the countdown going since the first day of LAST year. she's retiring...can you tell she's ready??
Still haven't gotten back my edited version of my paper. Hopefully soon because I know it still needs work.
I also have a paraprofessional project to do. Maybe tomorrow after conferences. It's just too nice looking outside to sit behind my computer all night. That and I want a night off. I can sit, watch tv and grade papers. That's another part of the job I hate.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
Ever feel lucky on Friday the 13th??
Well I do!! Today was the day I've fought and fought for. Today was the day the school finally decided that Brian should have an IEP. He has definitely qualified for a while, but they've finally decided that he's had enough F's that he needs something. I was exhausted fighting this fight. I almost gave up many times. I can't count the number of times I've thrown my hands up and said I can't do this anymore.
Well today I finally feel like we've won! I'm so glad I didn't give up. I'm so glad I didn't just let my kid fail without fighting for him. I really hope that my son can see that I've fought and fought and now he's got to become his own advocate and fight too. He's got to get in gear and be successful. We've just got some things in place that should help him do that. My comments to the people last week was you know he qualifies, what is the worst that will happen by giving him an IEP? My answer to them was the worst that would happen is that he'll be successful. I truly feel that's true because without one we've already been experiencing the worst, he is failing. So in my opinion what's the worst is already happening so how could it be worse.
Ok it's been a rotten weather for spring break. We had snow on Wednesday and Thursday. Today is sunny! Now I have to work on this paper, the rough draft is due to be emailed today. GRrrrrrrrrr
My friend Chris, who is on vacation in North Carolina and her paper is due next week, had a dream that the professor died! Yikes but someone said he's more like Cybil and you never know who is going to show up and instruct the class. Notice I didn't say "teach"???? He's really taught us nothing. Good think I am not paying for this master's degree!
Ok...I've started the count down...there are 70 days until the last day of the last master's class!
Well today I finally feel like we've won! I'm so glad I didn't give up. I'm so glad I didn't just let my kid fail without fighting for him. I really hope that my son can see that I've fought and fought and now he's got to become his own advocate and fight too. He's got to get in gear and be successful. We've just got some things in place that should help him do that. My comments to the people last week was you know he qualifies, what is the worst that will happen by giving him an IEP? My answer to them was the worst that would happen is that he'll be successful. I truly feel that's true because without one we've already been experiencing the worst, he is failing. So in my opinion what's the worst is already happening so how could it be worse.
Ok it's been a rotten weather for spring break. We had snow on Wednesday and Thursday. Today is sunny! Now I have to work on this paper, the rough draft is due to be emailed today. GRrrrrrrrrr
My friend Chris, who is on vacation in North Carolina and her paper is due next week, had a dream that the professor died! Yikes but someone said he's more like Cybil and you never know who is going to show up and instruct the class. Notice I didn't say "teach"???? He's really taught us nothing. Good think I am not paying for this master's degree!
Ok...I've started the count down...there are 70 days until the last day of the last master's class!
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Wow...powerful words
I've been reading all day for my lit review and I finally came across something that is powerful and thought provoking, although of no use to me in my writing.
"Even under the most horrendous conditions, one has the power to choose one's own attitude."
Mosaic of Thought
I was supposed to get a facial and pedicure but apparently the girl called in sick and they failed to call me before my appointment. Bummer, but I have read 147 pages and taken notes on the book "Mosaic of Thought" I also have about 8 journal articles to read and I want to finish the book "Better Answers." I can't say that I'd recommend any of them for light, enjoyable reading but for an educator...Mosaic of Thought is quite interesting.
"Even under the most horrendous conditions, one has the power to choose one's own attitude."
Mosaic of Thought
I was supposed to get a facial and pedicure but apparently the girl called in sick and they failed to call me before my appointment. Bummer, but I have read 147 pages and taken notes on the book "Mosaic of Thought" I also have about 8 journal articles to read and I want to finish the book "Better Answers." I can't say that I'd recommend any of them for light, enjoyable reading but for an educator...Mosaic of Thought is quite interesting.
Monday, April 09, 2007
It's finally here!! I'm on spring break. Albeit alone, my kids were off 2 weeks ago but for all the homework I have due on Friday, alone/quiet may be a blessing.
I've got about 3 weeks left of this class and one final class to finish over the summer before my master's degree is finished. FINALLY THE END IS IN SIGHT!!
The problem is that half of the final assignments coming due are BIT, REALLY BIG and they carry over to the summer semester for the second part of the grade. Right now I have about 25 pages of an action research project due on Friday. It's the rough draft, but the other half of the class is due a week from Friday. Bummer being in the A-M half of the alphabet. Therefore I'm frantically scanning tons of research and articles for the largest part of the literature review. Unfortunately, the topic my students struggle with is a topic that is not clearly defined and written about. I have to use a bunch of different types of research articles and pull a lot of ideas into my topic. It is definetly not what I had in mind, but I really think this topic will be useful to me for future classes and with the darn state testing.
OK other plans for the week: buy the musical tickets for the Music Man that Doug's school choir is performing, today is a badly needed cut and color, run to take the vacuum cleaner in, update a college library card, mail off the boxtops and soup labels for the school and hopefully watch Brian play in his first volleyball match of the highschool season. He's been inelligible due to grades but for the first time all year there are NO F's!!!! Friday is the meeting which he'll hopefully qualify for an IEP.
Ok rambling finished. I do have a cool new digital scrapbook project that I'm secretly working on. I'll do some posting after I continue testing out what I'm doing to see if everything is working perfectally!
If your weather is beautiful...will you please send me some...it's 30's here and gloomy gray. I need a little warmth and sunshine to make it really feel like spring, not to mention spring break!
I've got about 3 weeks left of this class and one final class to finish over the summer before my master's degree is finished. FINALLY THE END IS IN SIGHT!!
The problem is that half of the final assignments coming due are BIT, REALLY BIG and they carry over to the summer semester for the second part of the grade. Right now I have about 25 pages of an action research project due on Friday. It's the rough draft, but the other half of the class is due a week from Friday. Bummer being in the A-M half of the alphabet. Therefore I'm frantically scanning tons of research and articles for the largest part of the literature review. Unfortunately, the topic my students struggle with is a topic that is not clearly defined and written about. I have to use a bunch of different types of research articles and pull a lot of ideas into my topic. It is definetly not what I had in mind, but I really think this topic will be useful to me for future classes and with the darn state testing.
OK other plans for the week: buy the musical tickets for the Music Man that Doug's school choir is performing, today is a badly needed cut and color, run to take the vacuum cleaner in, update a college library card, mail off the boxtops and soup labels for the school and hopefully watch Brian play in his first volleyball match of the highschool season. He's been inelligible due to grades but for the first time all year there are NO F's!!!! Friday is the meeting which he'll hopefully qualify for an IEP.
Ok rambling finished. I do have a cool new digital scrapbook project that I'm secretly working on. I'll do some posting after I continue testing out what I'm doing to see if everything is working perfectally!
If your weather is beautiful...will you please send me some...it's 30's here and gloomy gray. I need a little warmth and sunshine to make it really feel like spring, not to mention spring break!
Sunday, April 01, 2007
What's in a name???
Oh man I saw this on Christy Lyle's blog and new I had to copy it and find out all my new names.
Please feel free to add this to your own blog too!
1. Your real name:
2. Your Gangsta Name: (first 4 letters of real name plus izzle:}
3. Your Detective Name: (fav color and fav animal)
Green Giraffe
4. Your Soap Opera Name: (middle name, and childhood street)
Elizabeth Carilla
5. Your Star Wars Name: (the last 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 3 letters of mom’s maiden name)
Gerlaboh Oh my it certainly does sound Starwarish
6. Your Super Hero Name: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
Golden Chai Frap
7. Your Witness Protection Program Name: (grandmother/grandfather’s first name and Jones)
Mildred Jones
8. Your Goth name: (black, and the name of one your pets).
Black Emmie
These are so funny! Love my Star Wars name and my superhero name!
I can't wait to see your cool new names!
Please feel free to add this to your own blog too!
1. Your real name:
2. Your Gangsta Name: (first 4 letters of real name plus izzle:}
3. Your Detective Name: (fav color and fav animal)
Green Giraffe
4. Your Soap Opera Name: (middle name, and childhood street)
Elizabeth Carilla
5. Your Star Wars Name: (the last 3 letters of your last name, first 2 letters of your first name, first 3 letters of mom’s maiden name)
Gerlaboh Oh my it certainly does sound Starwarish
6. Your Super Hero Name: (2nd favorite color, favorite drink)
Golden Chai Frap
7. Your Witness Protection Program Name: (grandmother/grandfather’s first name and Jones)
Mildred Jones
8. Your Goth name: (black, and the name of one your pets).
Black Emmie
These are so funny! Love my Star Wars name and my superhero name!
I can't wait to see your cool new names!
Spring updating
I've been trying to decide what to do with my bathroom since we've moved in a little over a year ago. I've never really found a shower curtain that's really caught my eye, until today. Most won't believe my new shower curtain, but I think it's fun and whimsical! I need some fun and whimsy in my life with all the stress that is coming sooner than I care to deal with.

I found out last week that my last day of my master's program is July 12, 2007!!!!!
Between finishing all of the work involved between my current class, my action research project, the next class projects, and updating my teaching philosophy and finishing a few more portfolio projects, that is daily stress.
There are also about 40ish days until the last day of school, which is also the same day as Doug's graduation. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't believe it's been 13 years already since that very first day of kindergarten and the principal said, "Parents I give you the class of 2007."
While shopping today, I asked Don if he ever missed having a little kid around. Can you guess his response???? He said, "NO!" I tear up every time I think of graduation and how fast the past years have literally flown by. Forty is just a new chapter in my life. I'm only 2 months into my 40's and I've still got a lot to experience.
Anyway, I'll share a photo of myself with my new glasses. I get comments about them all the time. They are my hip glasses. I guess it's part of the am I accepting being 40 syndrome.

And just because it's spring, I had to brighten up my dining room with 3 bunches of mauve tulips. Enjoy!

I found out last week that my last day of my master's program is July 12, 2007!!!!!
Between finishing all of the work involved between my current class, my action research project, the next class projects, and updating my teaching philosophy and finishing a few more portfolio projects, that is daily stress.
There are also about 40ish days until the last day of school, which is also the same day as Doug's graduation. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can't believe it's been 13 years already since that very first day of kindergarten and the principal said, "Parents I give you the class of 2007."
While shopping today, I asked Don if he ever missed having a little kid around. Can you guess his response???? He said, "NO!" I tear up every time I think of graduation and how fast the past years have literally flown by. Forty is just a new chapter in my life. I'm only 2 months into my 40's and I've still got a lot to experience.
Anyway, I'll share a photo of myself with my new glasses. I get comments about them all the time. They are my hip glasses. I guess it's part of the am I accepting being 40 syndrome.
And just because it's spring, I had to brighten up my dining room with 3 bunches of mauve tulips. Enjoy!
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