And it's been crazy. This week was ISAT testing at school. You know..Illinois Standard Acheivement Test. The test they base our annual yearly progress upon. The one that determines if you are meeting the NCLB (no child left behind) requirements. Please don't get me started on how rediculous that NCLB is.
So besides the upside down schedule at school, testing, missing planning periods and such, Brian had a volleyball, parent required, meet the team night dinner and I thought it was next week. I walked in the door as the dinner delivery driver pulled in right behind me with our hot dinner and I thought ahhhhhhhhhhhh time to eat and relax. NOOOOOOOOOO, me in a skirt and it was warm when I left and became overly windy and cold by the time I got home. Get back into the car, drag a case of water with to the dinner. I was actually a bit sad to go because instead of having both the boys playing one year of high school volleyball together, Doug wasn't there. It was so heartbreaking to see all these kids he's played with for so long standing there in their new windsuits and a sophmore on the team standing where Doug should have been. I'm glad he made his decision for himself, I just hope it is something he doesn't regret for the rest of his life.
On a happier note, Doug spoke up at the musical practice and took another part. It's little, him and another boy have to bring in a desk but it's another part. That is some initiative for him, and he says he's having fun with it. That somewhat makes up for my own volleyball blues.
My clinical student from a local university will be teaching her second lesson this week. Another "teachers must be flexible" schedule change. She thinks this week will be her last week. She's calculated that she has all of her hours in. She's been a tremendous help with grading tons of papers for me. This week grades are due and the third quarter ended on Friday. I've got teachers at school counting the days until the end of the year. Last week sometime, there were 53 school days left. Spring break, yes it is so badly needed, is still 3 weeks away. Arrrrrrrrrrghhhh it feels like it will be forever before it gets here.
Anyway I have a huge project due for class this week and I think Brian's first volleyball game is the same night. Since this is a group project, I think I'll let the other two take the assignment in and I'll skip out for the volleyball game. That is if he's eligible to play. Still battling the grade thing here. The new medicine seems to be working much better though. Hopefully this is the incentive he needs to pull those grades up. If not, he's working on the 5-year plan.
Ok, I'll end this by showing you a new scrapbook layout I just whipped together with Cindy Simon's new template and her St. Patrick's Day kit. Both are available at
Anyway...Happy St. Patrick's Day. I hope the leprechaun finds you and leaves a bit o'luck and a piece of gold for ya. Here's a pinch for you without your green on!