I swear I must have about 200 papers to grade. I absolutely
HATE grading papers. Since I was off for 5 days ending this past Monday, I am really behind. Want to help me grade??? For some reason, other people seem to think grading papers is fun. Do you remember when the teacher let you correct papers in class? Did you like it?
Updating you on Don. He's still off work. He'll be off again all this week too. We are going to a different neurologist for a second opinion. We need to get all those test results and then see if he gives us different results. Thursday is that lucky day. No more seizures since January 20th. He's starting to kick the sinus infection too, but still has a headache. He's had the headache since around January 15th. That is what is still puzzling and worrisome to me. He isn't supposed to drive for 3 months, although they don't know what caused it.
As you might have guessed....the medical bills have just started arriving. Can't wait to add up the total of all of this. Care to guess?? MRI with contrast, EEG, 2 neurologist visits, 3 doctor visits, a trip to the ER in the ambulance, and several perscriptions. Thankfully his boss is understanding and he's not been docked for any pay. Thankfully we have good insurance and a flexible spending account. And I'm most thankful that they are saying it's not a brain tumor, a stroke, or epilepsy.
I think he was stressing out about his job, and the promotion he was pushed into taking. The other day it totally dawned on me, he may have had the seizure because of the stress from the promotion, but if he hadn't taken the promotion we were told he'd have to be let go from the previous job due to the excessive driving involved. Isn't life strange?
Well it's bitterly cold here. I could make ice cubes in less than 5 minutes here. The temps have been dropping all day and we are supposed to be -10F and windchills
-20 to -35 below. Brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
We'll be watching the superbowl here tomorrow. GO BEARS!!
So I've managed to do a bit of scrapping instead of homework or grading those papers...shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
All the elements on the page and the paint are by Christine Smith and are available at The Digichick.