Last night we had some awful, horrible storms.
We had storms for at least 6 hours last night.
Luckily we didn't have much damage, but what
we didn't know is that our crawl space holds water.
It is going down, but Don needs to call someone
to take care of that. Nothing of ours was lost
because of the water, thankfully.
My mom had about 3-4 inches of water in her basement.
She lost power around 10:30 last night and they are
saying that it won't be back on until probably
Thursday night. What is that about?? She has her
sump pump hooked up to the neighbor's generator because
we are due for some more major intense storms again
tonight. You know when you watch the radar and the intensity
is marked by colors? Starts at green goes up to yellow, orange,
red, pink then purple. Well the radar clearly showed Purple
over my area.
Now if you think that's weird enough, let me tell you the
rest of my crazy day story. Next crazy thing is that
my inlaws are coming tomorrow. They have stayed with us in
the past, but our house is too small now and they'll have to
stay elsewhere. We don't even have the slightest clue where yet.
They haven't told us.
My aunt and cousin arrive at my mom's house on Thursday. Let's
hope that there is electricity by then.
Finally, I talk to Don after school between work and going to
class and he said did you hear the news? I wasn't going to call
you unless it was serious. Ears perked???? Mine sure were.
He tells me they found a pipe bomb at the highschool where the boys
go and that the school was on lockdown. The police had to detinate
it twice because the first one didn't help it to explode.
This bomb was within 250 yards of my mom's yard. Probably 300-400
yards from the school building and about 2 blocks from my house.
Bomb sniffing dogs were in the building. The driveways were
all blocked by police cars. There were a lot of police cars and
paramedics in the area. Now this is serious. Not a joke and
the only thing you get from the school is that a "suspicious package"
was found and it turned out to be nothing.
Well the scary thing is was that the first two of my mom's neighbors
went to the police and they said pipe bomb. The third person got the
"suspicious package" answer. But if it was nothing, then why were
there 2 explosions????? Hmmmmmmmmm???? Why on lock down???? Why
so many police???? AND WHY ARE THEY HIDING IT?????????
I'm not believing their story. What if someone had intentions of bringing
it into the school and they chickened out? What the hell would they have
done??? Don called the school and the deans weren't talking. The
principal called and left a message after Don called, but of course
the boys deleted the message before we heard it.
You know it is one thing to find it, deal with it, and admit it but when
they do not have the odasity to fess up to the truth it really
irks me because there are well over 3000 people in that school and
the power was out in the neighborhood adjecent to it.
My next idea is to file for a freedom of information act
about the incident. I can't wait for things to get
back to normal. Oh wait...this is my life,