to help you remember that God's in charge...not you!
I found that out Friday. We had discussed dinner and a video, a quiet Friday night at home. A trip to meet my dad at the stained glass store Saturday, and just a calm weekend. That didn't happen. A wrench, or should I say scapel and a kidney stone got thrown into the mix.
I got a call at lunch that my wonderful hubby called the school office to report he was on his way to the hospital. Not sure why or by whom, but he was on his way. The message was to call on his cell. Good plan if the dumb hospital would have had cell signals. So after a phone call to the hospital, transfered to the ER, then to the triage, then to a nurse's phone, I finally found out what I suspected...a kidney stone.
I've never seen anyone in so much pain, personally. I do have to say that I'm a little horrified that when they give someone a drug and it's not working, we got the answer, "Sorry, you have another hour before the next dose." Obviously, although super strong, not effective on the pain from a kidney stone. He went about 7 hours without effective pain control. I would liken it to heavy labor without any pain drugs. That I have done twice, so I do understand the pain of that. Many who have had babies and kidney stones say however, the kidney stone is worse.
After a good dose of new medicine from the urlogist, the pain was gone within 10 minutes not to return for over 24 hours. Now that was some good stuff!
So Don had surgery, a stint, half the stone come out, and is now finally home after almost 3 days in the hospital. I then had to juggle my house, my son, my dogs, the trips to the hospital, the phone calls all around, and then the trip to the pharmacy for all the drugs. Thankfully, Don's home and on the road to recovery, tomorrow is Monday, and I can get back to my regularly scheduled life.